
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Re-Qs abound

Yesterday at Boston, I was tracking three bloggers I don't know in real life, as well as 9 friends with whom I have shared miles over the years.  On the whole, this was a smaller group than I usually track, which was odd.  It seems like usually I have at least 15 friends running.  But it was just the lucky dozen this year. 

Anyway, I am happy to report that all but one of them (including the bloggers) managed to re-Q there, a few of them by more than 30 minutes, many of them by more than 10, and a few were within the 5 minute squeeker window.  The one who missed the re-Q missed by less than 100 seconds, so she was close. 

The general report was that it was cold.  The rain really made things wet and it was hard to warm up.  Multiple people mentioned how cold it was after the Newton hills, when you're usually at your warmest and getting into the last 10k.  The wind also got worse in the last hour or so of most races, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as it had been feared. 

I'm so proud of all of them, and currently feeling very bummed that I didn't do the race (though I'm certainly not in shape for it now, if I'd committed when I was considering it, maybe I could have been).  And I'm even more bummed that I don't (and won't) have a qualifying time for 2016, so I couldn't run it if I wanted to. 


Guess I need to get back into the swing of things and do the work if I want to get there again. 

Seeing all their soaking wet but smiling faces made me feel so inspired and impressed. 


  1. I know how you feel. I never want to run Boston until I see it happening, and then I would like to run very much indeed!

  2. You will be back! It was terrible seeing the weather after the gorgeous perfect running weather on Sunday. That's what makes Boston special though. You just never know what season it will be out there.
