
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's Official...

Christmas is over.  As of today.  Not on the Epiphany as usual for us (when eating holiday cookies and bread ends).  Not on the weekend following Epiphany as usual (when the tree comes down and decorations are put away).  But today.

Why today?  Well, I finally mailed our last Christmas card! 

It's almost like that's the best insight into my life lately -- overwhelming and busy and behind schedule.

Work is out of control but relief is in sight.  We hired a new attorney on Monday, who is going to take over about 75% of my co-worker's case load (who is moving to another division), and then this new attorney will take about 12% of my current case load.  When exactly she'll be in a position to take that 12% is to be determined.  She's still doing on-boarding/training/HR stuff/learning how we do what we do.  But hopefully within the next 6 weeks is my best guess. 

The home front is also out of control.  We are just not used to my husband having two days off per week and those two days being the same two as me.  We're too used to having fun on the weekends together, so cleaning, errands, all the other stuff is falling apart.  His honey do list (changing a light bulb really high in the bathroom, new scale batteries, getting the codes to unlock our phones, and getting garage shelving units is the current list) is not getting done, and my solo weekend task list (things like getting addresses for those last Christmas cards) is also not getting done. 

Running is NOT going well.  I'm not hurt or anything, but I just feel like I'm out of shape.  I told my running buddy that I feel like I've been teetering on the edge of a cliff for the last 2-3 months.  He told me to just keep showing up and he'll make sure I don't fall over.  So I am showing up for the runs, but being out of shape means falling behind my friends and struggling.  But showing up is most important, I know that, and thus far, I'm doing it.  Even in the (relative) cold. 

But in reality, even with the chaos and busy-ness that seems to be my overwhelming feeling about my life right now, it's still all good.  Happy and healthy (had a sinus infection right after New Year's, but even that's gone now).  The list of tentative resolutions that are in the running for official 2015 resolutions are actually going well.  Just ticking along! 


  1. Oh, that's ok, I just got a Christmas card today. Everyone's doing it!

  2. I think getting house stuff done is so hard for the same reason--when we're off, we want to have fun! When the weather is crappy it's not too hard to stay in & get house stuff done. Nice that you're getting relief at work! And good for you for keeping up with the running when it's feeling blah.
