
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Mexico and the flood

Some random pictures from my trip to New Mexico two weeks ago not taken while running.  Figured it would be fun to share, because, as you'll see, the trip ended with some major suckage.

A Las Cruces travel report. 

Dinner at a winery in Las Cruces, same place I went for dinner twice in March when my husband and I were here for the Bataan Memorial Death March race: 

Complete with live music this time: 

Ending with very good gelato: 

Driving past the exit for Juarez (in downtown El Paso): 

Downtown El Paso, off to my left: 

The municipal court in Las Cruces: 

The nice, new federal courthouse in Las Cruces (where I was working): 

My sweet ride, a green Kia rental.  Ugh: 

A little shop, typical Las Cruces in architecture and all: 

Rivers of water during a massive downtown on my way back to El Paso: 

Scary deep water, worried I was going to be caught in a flash flood: 

Not loving life at all, but glad I wasn't in my own car, which sits pretty low: 

This photo didn't capture the water depth well, but there seemed to be actual waves: 

Wipers on high, not high enough to clear the windshield (I'd completely stopped by this point): 

Again, pretty certain I was going to be stuck: 

Cars waiting it out off the road: 

A better shot of how deep it was: 

And it was like this everywhere, all roads flooded, but that little green sign meant I was finally getting close to the airport: 

This car was in water up to its trunk: 

Little waves: 

Stalled out, trying to get to the aiport: 
And then I pretty much stopped taking pictures.  So, not pictured:
Walking through water in my suit and heels that was almost up to my knees.
Carrying luggage in the rain through the water (thank goodness I hadn't brought a rolling suitcase)!
Short lines at security.
Getting to a gate at 3:40 and seeing there was a flight at 3:50 to Dallas.
Seeing the 3:50 flight was delayed until 4:30, but still earlier than my scheduled flight.
Holding my breath to see if there were seats on the 3:50.
Nearly crying when I was handed a boarding pass on the 3:50 flight.  I knew it would make her uncomfortable and she was just doing her job, but I honestly was ready to start sobbing and hugging the AA gate attendant when she handed me that boarding pass.  Instead, with my eyes totally full of tears, I just told her that I wanted to hug her but I knew it was inappropriate, so instead, I just wanted to tell her that giving me that boarding pass was the only good thing in an afternoon that had been full of $hit complete with a flooded rental car.  She just kind of smiled and said it would only get better.
Being so happy to be on that earlier plane that I didn't even care that my suit and shoes were likely ruined.
Getting home more before my husband went to bed! 


  1. I used to live in Las Cruces! None of those pics seem familiar though.

    That rain is absolutely crazy. In the four months I lived in Las Cruces, it didn't rain a single time. Good that you were able to catch an earlier flight!

    1. Did you ever eat at Si Senor or at Chope's (which is south of Mesilla I think)? Those are by two far of my favorites in the area. Mmm, Chope's, and I still have like two hours before lunch, and even then, it won't be Chope's.

  2. Wow - scary with the flash floods! Great pics, and it is something when it comes down so fast ! So glad you got home safe - and even better that you ended up early!

  3. That is ridiculous and scary! I can't imagine being on a trip, in another country, in another car, getting flooded - and I'm from NOLA, where we routinely flood (and have indeed had several cars flood out). Glad you at least got the earlier flight!

  4. WTH that's insane! I can't believe you were sitting in a car in that river. I'm so happy you made it safely back to the airport. Wow! My town in Mozambique was hit with a six foot high flood wave. I had already left because flooding was imminent and Peace Corps forced us to evacuate, but my husband had to be rescued by helicopter from the top of one of the few two story buildings in town.
