
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Weather Bliss

On the news the other day, they promised a late July cold front.  Then they re-termed it a late July "not hot" front.

This morning was only about 5 degrees cooler than yesterday morning, but the humidity was significantly lower.  It felt glorious! 

If I could sign on for this for the next month, I would.  We are about to head into traditionally the hottest three weeks of summer, so if we can get a break for even one week, I'll take it.  

I was hitting my paces this morning and everything.  Just lovely!  I never write posts in July about the weather that are anything other than a complaint, a justification for not hitting my passes, or a simple acknowledgment of the misery. 

I'm trying not to get my hopes up when I look ahead at the rest of the week.  Does that make me a pessimist at heart?  I like to expect the worst in hopes of always being pleasantly surprised. 


  1. Nice! Cool, even coolish, runs in the middle of summer are definitely bliss.

  2. You really have to just soak up whatever great weather comes your way when you can!

    We have had some incredible weather ... it is after 1PM here as I type this, just back from a recognition event for a project I worked on a couple of years ago and we were outside ...with half the people wearing jackets - because it is 68F! Wow! Crazy stuff :)

  3. It's downright chilly this morning in Western Mass. I think I brought the Australian winter home with me. It definitely makes for great running weather though.
