
Thursday, June 12, 2014

November Nerves

Short post, have to get to bed.  I'm in Philly and had a tough day today work-wise, but I got the job done.  That was good. 

I also got in a long-midweek-for-me run this morning.  I found a running group here last year or the year before that was listed as having one of the area's only morning group runs.  The run I remember best from last year was challenging -- I ran with a guy who pushed the pace, but it was awesome. 

Since my schedule lined up well again, I figured I'd join them again.  But I have a new favorite hotel here, and to get to the Thursday morning run spot, I had to go just over 2.5 miles each way.  Plus 5 miles with the group.  A month from now, two months from now, 10+ miles on a weekday won't be crazy.  But right now, I've been hovering around 7 or so miles. 

I figured it would be fine if I ran the solo miles really slowly.  But then I started remembering how that run last year went, and I was pretty worried I wouldn't be able to hang with the group this year, being slower and more out of shape.

I set out at 5:30 to meet them at 6, just to be safe.  It was slow-going to get there, lots of red lights and big puddles, not always entirely sure which way was best to go, but I got there in plenty of time and met up with the group.  Unfortunately, the guy I spent so much time talking to last summer wasn't there -- they said he still runs with the group all the time, but he almost always skips the morning runs (did I mention most Philly groups run in the evening?).

So I talked to new people over the course of 5 miles -- and I was pleasantly surprised to realize I could hang (though I think it was actually slower than last year).  About 1.5 miles from the end, a few guys really hit the gas and we spread out a bit.  I picked up the pace as well and felt pretty good, running with one guy and talking the whole way.  Amazing what temps in the 60s will do for me! 

I spent most of the 5 miles talking to the woman who organizes the run (I remembered her from last year) about her travel plans, a guy named Eric about his plans for the day, a first-timer who was talked into coming by a friend named Sara who had the career day of a lifetime today (responsible for opening a new Lulu store here aimed at a younger tween set, first store she's ever opened, super exciting), and a guy whose name I forgot who is opening a new diner/restaurant soon.  He has been a vegetarian for more than 20 years, so we talked a lot about vegan v. vegetarian, cooking, races (he likes ultras on trails), injuries, and life in general. 

It was a nice morning -- and at the end of the run, Sara and her friend Phil (who I also remembered from last time) said that they met through a free workout thing called the November Project, and they said I should meet them tomorrow.  Half a stadium's worth of bleachers.  Yikes.

I hate stairs/bleachers, but mostly because it's hard and good for me.  So I guess I'm setting my alarm and heading out to meet them!  Very nervous.  What if I bring shame to all Dallas runners with my wussiness on bleachers?  Haha.  When I actually realized that was my concern, I knew I had to go.  So what if I don't finish?!  Not a big deal.  As long as I don't fall down and get hurt, it should be a worthwhile experience! 


  1. Fun post - and glad you got out there. It is always interesting trying new things - and the fears that nearly stop us! I love doing hills, and our engineering building has a great three-story staircase I have done several times before ... it is fun, but your bleachers sounds like a great challenge ... hope you (did it and ) had fun!

    1. Sadly, no go for me. It was raining and since I basically assess risk for a living, I couldn't help doing it that morning. Wasn't worth the risk of injury...

    2. Whew - I definitely get that! I hate hiking on slippery rock trails, etc ... wet bleachers? No chance!

  2. I've read about the November Project in a few Runner's World articles. It sounds like an awesome group. I bet you'll have fun and get a good workout to boot.

    1. Somehow I'd never heard of it, they all seemed great, so I'm going to try to join them some other time I'm there.

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  4. I sometimes see people doing bleachers at a track near my house, I think I'd get depth perception failure and fall down missing a step or something. I sometimes do the staircase in my house though, got me through a few Polar Vortex days.

    1. Yeah, the down is what scares me. The up is scary in the great workout, fatiguing sense, but down is scary in the "knocked out front tooth" sense. We have 2 long flights at home and did stairs during our big ice storm a few years ago. A nice option when necessary!

  5. When I was in Oregon and the temps were in the 50’s and 60’s the whole time in the mornings when I was running, it was amazing…and then I had to come back to Texas where the humidity is completely oppressive.
