
Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter edible craft

My weekend didn't really feel like much of a weekend.  It included 4.5 hours of yoga, and a half-marathon (slow, but still good enough for an AG award), errands, and work. 

Race morning wake-up weather -- not good racing temps:

And the course was hilly and many runners were misdirected (not me though, but those up front). What a mess. This was my second time doing this race, and I think I might be done with it. Last year, it was an awful course (zigzagging in a parking lot at one point), this time with the hills, the weather and the misdirection, I think it might be the end. I don't remember how much it cost ($75?) but water and bananas at the end (and some kind of milk protein sponsor out there handing out bottles at their tent), I was kind of surprised. I'd think at that price the police would have had the right route, there would have been better course markings, more at the finish, etc. The shirts were decent -- tech shirts but not even close to as great as last year's, which I continue to wear frequently (grey and soft and great with jeans or on a short run). 

Still hot at 9:07 p.m. -- yikes, summer is definitely coming to Dallas. 

Only a week or so late, but I wanted to share this anyway.

For Easter last year, we made cute little birds' nests with chow mein noodles, chocolate, chocolate eggs, and peeps.  We shared them during Easter visits to both of our godsons.  Since my godson thought the little nests were awesome, I wanted to try something similar this year.

The plan: 

And how they actually turned out:
(My first one wasn't as wide as the others)

In progress: 
A little row of six: 
Kind of fun.  I'm not a very creative or crafty person, so I think doing things like this outside my comfort zone is good for me once in a while. 
And I'm happy to report I didn't eat any of them!  I did eat plenty of graham crackers and frosting, but the edible grass was not good, and I wasn't in the mood for peeps or chocolate. 



  1. Great job on the Easter bird houses. They are adorable! My son would have fun making them (and eating it after!).

    I think that is ridiculous for a half marathon to be that unorganized especially if it's not the first year. That is a lot of money to spend. I went to cheer on a friend at a local 5K on Saturday and I was amazed at the offerings after the race as well as the mini expo set up. It was quite impressive. When I ran Montreal last fall I was rather disappointed with the after race snacks. We got a plastic bag with an apple, a power bar, some gatorade and a water. Seriously?!

    I'm jealous of your weather. It's a nice sunny day here, but still a chilly 55 degrees. Have a great Monday!

  2. pretty nice blog, following :)
