
Friday, December 6, 2013

#Reverb13, Day 2: Shine

Throughout the month of December, I’ll be participating in #reverb13: Reverb is a way to reflect on the past year and project into the next year with a prompt a day for 31 days.

Day 2 – Shine:
What was the best moment of 2013?

I think it was probably work-related.  Maybe that wasn't necessarily the best moment, but it was a moment when I was "shining".  I came back to the office victorious, returning to town with a better deal than I'd hoped was possible, making everyone think I was a rockstar at least for a little while, and fortunately, for a long while with my boss -- he definitely remembers the case well! 

Anyway, since a work-related shining moment isn't very excited, I'll try to brainstorm a couple other highlights from the year. 

My running-related best moment was oddly enough probably my overall first female title at our local beer mile race.  While the marathon PR was exciting, since it was a huge race with plenty of other people finishing more than an hour ahead of me, and since I didn't see my husband right before I finished, and since I missed my ultimate goal, I didn't really feel like I was shining.  But at the beer mile, I couldn't stop smiling.  And giggling.  And giving people high-5s.  And burping...  Drunken me equates in my mind to shining me.  Haha. 

My best shining personal moment was probably my high school reunion.  I was wearing a rocking dress, in great shape being only a month away from my goal marathon.  And a husband who was joking that he wouldn't be able to stop staring at me all night because I looked so hot (flattery gets him everywhere and he knows it!).  But either way, all that meant I went into the event feeling great.  And then getting to see some of my very best friends from high school and find I still love them as much as I did then, even though we're separated by years and miles and pretty much never see each other anymore except for occasional weddings, etc. 

I wish I could find a picture of the dress I wore.  It was a Missioni and this is the exact dress, but wrong colors:  Where that dress has black trim, mine was a deep orange.  And where there is the black and white pattern in rows, mine was a purple and orange chevron kind of print. 


  1. the dress sounds gorgeous! i wish you had a picture of it too! no one took pictures at the reunion?

  2. That dress is killer! I'm sure you looked stunning in it.

    I think another are where you continue to shine is your support of those around you, especially of me. You have been there for me through my ups and downs, thick (literally) and thin (getting better). And I know you've also helped someone at your work (I think she's an accountant?) start running a couple of days a week after work. In both cases, you're giving so much of yourself without asking anything in return. I know how much your comments and support have touched my life, and I'm sure your co-worker feels the same way. You are awesome! (And very, very shiny!!!!)
