
Monday, November 25, 2013

FMM: Holidays and More Part 2

My weekend was so uneventful, which is a bummer because there was a lot of stuff I wanted to get done.  My primary goal was a solid dent in Christmas shopping, but that didn't happen.  I was just too lazy and it' soooooo cold here that it was a real struggle to get out for my runs -- after they were done, I just wanted to be back under the blankets.  I did a charity 5k on Saturday and then my "long" run on Sunday -- only 14 slow slow slow miles.

In typical Dallas fashion, the weather people got all hyped up about a winter storm for nothing.  As of yesterday morning, they were saying we'd have at least an inch of sleet and ice -- and today, nada.  Rain.  Indeed, cold rain, but 35 does not ice make.  In some ways it drives me crazy living here.  But actually, I think it's weather reports everywhere that just want to boost their ratings.

But just like when I was in school, when the thought of a snow day is planted in my mind, it feels like a major bummer when I don't get one.  So today I was kind of hoping to have a good "work from home" excuse, or even a day off (very unlikely, my work almost never actually closes), but alas, no excuses.  I need to go in to the office, but I will work from home Wed., and then I'm off Thurs and Fri.

On to Monday...

friend makin mondays

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

The Holidays and More: Part 2
1. What state/country do you live in?  Dallas, Texas. 

2. Where were you born? Were you raised there? I was born in the Great White North (Wisconsin) and lived there until the end of 4th grade.  Then we moved a couple times, ending up in Kansas City for high school for me, but now my folks are back in the Great White North, which is where hubby and I always go for Christmas. 

3. How do you feel about stores like Wal-mart opening on Thanksgiving Day for pre-Black Friday sales? Will you participate? I think I'll be in the minority, but it doesn't bother me that much.  So many people already have to work on Thanksgiving -- doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, fire, gas station attendants, restaurants (particularly upscale), race directors (usually just in the morning I guess), television programmers, grocery store employees (at least until noon), pharmacists, pilots, baggage handlers, taxis, professional football players, tow truck drivers, movie theater sales/concession people, etc.  What's the difference in adding retail late in the day?  Especially since a majority of those I named have to work ALL day.  Obviously some of those are essential, but restaurants (including nice ones, not just essential truck stops) have been open for years and there seems to be no big uproar about that.  But no, there's no way I would shop on Thanksgiving -- but not by choice, I frequently patronize multiple gas stations on Christmas!  But I also wouldn't shop on Black Friday in hopes of scoring some special deal.  I'm not a big shopper under any circumstance...  But if people really objected to Thanksgiving day shopping, no one would do it, and it wouldn't be profitable to be open, and it wouldn't be an issue.  So I guess since enough people shop for it to be profitable, maybe I'm not really in the minority as much as I'd assume. 

4. Have you ever participated in a Turkey Trot? Will you do one this year?  Yes!  It's my grand Thanksgiving tradition.  We have a huge (40,000 person!) race in Dallas.  There are two choices, 8 miles and 3 miles (actually, a 5k the last couple years, but traditionally just 3 miles).  In 2003, I did my first 8 mile race, and I've done it every year since.  This will be my 11th! 

5. What was your favorite toy as a child? I could just copy Kenlie's answer here -- I also loved my Cabbage Patch kid (Claire Carlie?  Carley?), Barbies and roller skates.  I also love puzzles and games -- bingo, Simon, Lite Brite, Connect 4, card games, hangman, Monopoly.  If I had to pick just one -- I would choose Barbie dolls. 

6. Will you count points/calories on Thanksgiving Day? I’ve never counted points or calories, so that definitely would not be the day to start!  I eat my standard pre-race breakfast (instant oatmeal).  This year, I might run home after the 8 mile race to bump my distance up to 12.  But then I usually eat my usually breakfast at home (a fruit/spinach smoothie), while starting to cook.  Then I eat a lot at a single meal, but many of our dishes are actually fairly healthy -- but the desserts aren't and I always eat dessert on Thanksgiving, which is fairly rare in my everyday life. 

7. Will you watch football Thursday?  No, not a big sports fan.  We'll be at friends' house this year, so maybe it will be on, but actually, I don't think he's a big football fan either, and I know she isn't. 

8. Do you decorate inside/outside of your home for the holidays?  We always put up our 9 foot tall artificial pre-lit tree.  It's a huge pain, but it's so beautiful.  We buy ornaments as souvenirs on many of our trips, so when we decorate the tree, it's always lots of fun.  I also put out a few other decorations -- stockings, garland, lights, a few candles, it's all contained to the second floor of our house (the living room, dining room, kitchen).  Our tree is visible from the street, but no outside lights. 

9. Do you have allergies that prevent you from eating traditional holiday meals? No allergies, but my conscience prevents me from eating dead animals, so no turkey or ham for me.  And I suppose I'm allergic to nuts, so pecan pie is out of the question, but that was never a big family tradition for me (maybe because of my allergies I guess) -- our traditional Thanksgiving dessert was something called cranberry squares, and then some fruit and/or pumpkin pies. 

10. Is it snowing where you live? Nope.  Rainy, but even that is tapering off.  But the high today is only 35 -- supposed to be back into the 50s in a couple days though.

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments.  Happy Monday!


  1. No worries! I agree with you on #3 as well :)

  2. I didn't expect to agree with you on #3, but you made valid points that I hadn't considered. You're right. It's not a big deal except when it comes to those workers...I'll have to think on that.


  3. Hmm, I didn't think I would agree with you on #3 but you make some really good points. I didn't think about all the other people who have to work that day anyway. And I guess it is part of the deal when you take a job at a place like that. I think you might have changed my mind :)
