
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thanks HRG!

I read on yesterday that it was free fro-yo at Yogurtland.  And there just happens to be a Yogurtland within a 60 second walk of my office.  Seriously, down to the first floor, out of the office building, past 4-5 businesses (a couple restaurants, a Barnes & Noble, a couple specialty shops, a Container Store), and there it was.  And even though our office has been in this location for a couple months now, I'd never actually eaten there. 

Yum.  Free small cup with any and all toppings. 

I got there early and did some sampling, so when it was game time to fill my cup, I knew exactly what I wanted.  I went with three flavors -- birthday cake, strawberry, and cookies and cream.  And for toppings, I went with cookie dough balls, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi and a cherry. 

So yeah, I think I'm giving up sweets for Lent. I haven't done that in many years because I don't usually eat a lot of sweets, but this year it's out of control. First it was finishing off what was in my Christmas gift baskets from counsel. Then it was finishing off what was in others' gift baskets from counsel. Then it was those darn flavored tootsie rolls. I can't keep going like this. Even if the caloric intake isn't significant (and it probably is more significant than I realize), it's a bad habit and I'd rather stop it. This is supposed to be my year to buckle down and get that dream PR in Berlin.

Of course I know there's more to Lent than giving up some vice, so I am going to add an affirmative component (current thoughts are something related to spirituality, daily kind deed toward strangers, reading the Bible (which I like never do on my own as an Episcopalian), complimenting someone substantively (not just on clothing or something superficial) daily, or reaching out to a family member daily to express love and value). But that part probably won't be determined until after we get back from Mardi Gras. Very excited for it this year, we fly to Mobile on Friday morning, bright and early! 

Anyway, thank you very much Hungry Runner Girl for the announcement that there was free fro-yo yesterday.  And thank you new parent company for moving our office into a space bordering a Yogurtland.  And thank you Yogurtland for having so many delicious options.  

1 comment:

  1. That looks so yummy! I like that you mixed sweeter toppings (cookie dough) with fruit. Giving up sweets for Lent sounds like a good plan, in addition to the other, more positive actions.
