
Thursday, January 3, 2013

#Reverb12 Day 31: Where I Am Now

For the month of December, I'm working on doing the daily series of Reverb prompts to help me reflect on the prior year and hope/plan for the upcoming year. If you're interested, join in; I found this to be a very useful exercise when I did it two years ago.

#reverb12 Day 31: Love to you, wherever you are NOW

Think back to where you were all those moons ago, on 1 December when you started #reverb12. All the way back then, I asked: "How are you starting?"

Now, I am not going to ask you "Where are you finishing?" because this is not the end. What I want to ask is, "Where are you now?".

Now quickly and without thinking too much about it, finish these five sentences:

2013 is going to be MY YEAR because... I'm going to improve by leaps and bounds in my running, the most quantifiable measure of success in my life and fitness. 

In 2013, I am going to do... the work it takes to really improve.   

In 2013, I am going to feel... tired, sore and uncomfortable for much of the time, but that's where the big improvements are made.

In 2013, I am not going to... eat like crap and plan to run it off -- I'm going to eat well as often as I can and run hard. 

In December 2013, I am going to look back and say...  I achieved a marathon PR that I will proudly take to my grave! 


  1. I love it! You are laser-focused on this goal, and I know you're going to do it.

  2. I cannot wait for your Berlin marathon recap! Awesome post.
