
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

#Reverb12 Day 28: Overcoming Fears

For the month of December, I'm working on doing the daily series of Reverb prompts to help me reflect on the prior year and hope/plan for the upcoming year. If you're interested, join in; I found this to be a very useful exercise when I did it two years ago.

#reverb12 Day 28: How will you overcome *those* fears?

Think of three things that daunted you in 2012: how are you going to work towards overcoming them in 2013?

I don't really feel like I was too daunted in 2012, but I suppose I can come up with a few:

I failed to get any significant running PR in 2012.  I technically met my 2012 resolution, but it was a 10k PR at less than 5 seconds.  That to me equates to no real improvement in my running in 2012.  But I am going to work hard to overcome in 2013 by working with a speed coach and keeping my distance down for a few months.

I relied on easy dinners way too often.  We get home from work late (and even later now on days I run home from work), and we go to bed early.  That means dinner needs to be very quick.  We frequently have less than an hour from the time I get home from work until the time we try to get to bed.  So that frequently meant microwave packets of Indian food, or just microwaving a Lean Cuisine meal or something.  Poor.  I want to do some real meal planning in 2013 and cook more during the week -- or even just cook more on weekends and enjoy leftovers during the week.  I need to come up with very quick, healthy and vegetarian options -- most veg meals require lots of chopping and prep, so I'm going to have to do real searching.  Ideally, things that can be ready in about 10 minutes...  (Feel free to share ideas!)

I didn't ever achieve a good balance with yoga, where I felt like I was going as often as I wanted but also wasn't spread too thin.  I'm not sure I'll try to remedy this in 2013 but I might, especially since I think it would really help my running.  I need to try to sign up for a month and commit to going 4-5 days per week and not press myself to go more. 

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