
Saturday, January 19, 2013

720 pounds

I'm writing this post solely so I do not forget. I want the record to reflect that today, Saturday, my arms hurt. Still.

Wednesday morning at boot camp we did so much arm work that I have been in serious pain ever since.

I've already forgotten a lot, but this is what I remember:

100 jumping jacks, run (the run was always a short figure 8 that took maybe a minute at a very slow jogging pace)
90 curls (this was the problem for me), run
80 mountain climbers, run
70 crunches, run
60 air squats with weights on shoulders, run
50 alternating lunges with weights curling, run
40 "dirty birds" (weights up, to shoulders, down, to shoulders, up), run
30 chin raises (weights up along body to chin, then down, weight heads touching whole time), run
20 shoulder tees (weights up to eye level, then arms out to sides, back to center, down) (I can only do about one of these with good form, then my arms bend), run
10 "home wreckers" (push up, right row, push up, left row, push up, 4 squat thrusts, 4 mountain climbers), run

Then there was an "easy" set for those who finished. It was the same theory, 100 reps and going down, but no weights on anything. Jumping jacks, crunches, air squats, cherry pickers, push ups, knee tucks, some stuff I don't remember.

The problem was definitely the curls. I used 8 pound dumb bells, so by doing 90 curls, I calculate that I curled 720 pounds per arm. "That's gonna leave a mark." (Name that movie, one of my brothers' favorites to quote.)

Technically, I also did another 350 pounds per arm on the curls that went with the alternating lunges.

72 hours later, it still hurts to fully extend my arms. Hubby is in the same boat. Makes me feel much less guilty about the fact that I haven't worked out a lick since we've been in Pittsburgh.

Maybe that's why I'm wide awake at 4:30...

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