
Monday, October 1, 2012

FMM: Uniquely You

My weekend was not too exciting given that I wasn't feeling great.  Friday night we missed going to the Greek festival due to both rain and feeling lousy. 

Saturday there was no stopping us though, it was our one and only chance to hit the Texas State Fair this year.  I'll have to post pictures.  It was rainy, but that kept the crowds down and we had a good time.  I still felt like my lung capacity was low because I'd been sick, but I was able to spend half the day walking around.  But I seriously had no exercise whatsoever, not even yoga for 2 straight days!  I seriously can't remember the last time that happened.  Actually, I went from the time I finished my run on Thursday (about 6:30 a.m.) all the way through until Sunday at 5:30 a.m. with no exercise.  That's basically 3 days.  Yikes.  No wonder I feel like a slug.  Can't wait to get back to yoga tonight. 

Sunday I had my last 20 mile run on the schedule and it went so well -- a small miracle and a clear sign I'm kicking this upper respiratory infection out.  The rest of the day Sunday sucked.  There were two small eartquakes here Saturday night, 3.1 followed by 3.4.  No idea if it's related to the earthquakes (which we slept through), but a shelf in our guest bedroom closet (and the attached hanging rod) came crashing down.  That was all of hubby's clothes and way too much of my crap.  Ugh.  So I spent most of the day Sunday pulling stuff out of the closet, organizing, buying supplies so we can hopefully reinstall the shelf.  Then last night was a neighborhood gathering, which was nice -- glad I was feeling better, and it was fun to talk to some neighbors we didn't know before.  But spending the day dealing with the closet was not what I planned.  I'd wanted to spend the day shopping for Christmas gifts (right after we get back from China, we fly home for a wedding, so if I can take some gifts with me then, I can save major money on shipping and checking luggage when we go for Christmas).  But instead the day was spent buying new brackets, stacking clothes and bins, etc.  Ugh.  Oh well, such is life...

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Uniquely You

1) Do you prefer to talk or text?  I guess it depends.  Two years ago, I definitely would have said "talk," but I'm starting to like texting more and more.  I guess it depends on the purpose of the communication -- to convey info, I'd say text.  To connect, talk.  But even with my brothers, to whom I love talking, quick texts now and then are nice too. 

2) How often do you make your bed?  I make it Sat-Wed usually, then hubby makes it Thurs and Fri usually -- our rule is the last one up makes the bed.  That's usually me! 

3) What sounds do you hear right now?  Today Show is on tv in the background.  I can also hear my oven fan cooling down since I just made "overnight bran muffins" and pulled them out and turned off the oven.

4) List three things that you always carry with you.  My phone and water.  That's about  it.  I'm usually near my car key -- either it's in the house, in my purse at work, or on me when I'm running.  I'm pretty much usually at home, at work, in the car, running, working out or at yoga -- and those last 3 activities mean I have very different things with me than the first few activities.  I hate carrying much stuff when I run. 

5) What are your favorite TV shows?  Hmm, the Office, Law & Order, Dallas, Grimm.  But I'm not really watching tons of tv lately. 

6) Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it?  Is "photo-albumming" a hobby?  I don't want to call it scrapbooking, but I'd love to spend more time putting prints into albums, and I'd also say cooking! 

7) What is your favorite drink?  I mostly drink water, but I really love a martini called the "big daddy" at the 5-star restaurant that's about a block from our house.  We don't go there often, and they have a new recipe for it, but I like the way they used to make it (absolut mandarin, absolute citron, simple syrup, sweet & sour), so I ask for an old school big daddy when I go -- unless I have one of my old favorite bartenders, then I don't even have to ask.  I'm impressed they remember me from when I used to go pretty often many many years ago. 

8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family. Everyone is healthy and in great shape -- all my brothers run or bike and lift pretty regularly, their wives all look like they could be models, my folks are active with yoga, running, biking, etc.  Everyone gets along pretty well -- two sisters-in-law had some kind of tiff a few years ago, but it's all good now.  I seriously can't believe how lucky I am to have such an awesome family.  I love them lots and they're lots of fun. 

9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today.  Hmm... I already went to boot camp (and after being out sick for two sessions last week, that was a big step for me).  I will go to 90 minutes of Bikram yoga tonight after work, and at work I'll start plowing through my to-do list since we leave for China next week!!!! 

10) Share something that you’re thankful for today. Prednisone!  Gotta love drugs.  It's  nice to live somewhere that I don't have to deal with being sick for weeks on end.  I can go, get meds, and start feeling better quickly. 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments. And try to say something to someone new this week. There are some pretty cool people connected here. Happy Monday, friends!


  1. Hi Carina! Thanks for stopping by my blog for my FMM! Good luck in China - I'll be sending you my best vibes!


  2. Hope you find the time to get all your photos in order one day soon
