
Saturday, August 25, 2012

HTC first run

Well, I just finished my first leg of Hood to Coast! It was much fun! Our team on the whole is going faster than planned.

I was really worried about whether I could sustain my planned pace, but I did! The race has you put in a prediction and I was way too aggressive I thought, but it was actually right on.

I still have major doubts though about sustaining it for two more runs though!

The good news is that being the last runner on our team, my runs go in this order:
Leg 12, 6.4 miles, moderate difficulty
Leg 24, 4.9 miles, easy
Leg 36, 5.2 miles, moderate difficulty

So the worst is behind me!

But my legs won't get any fresher...

My run was at night, mostly on a pedestrian trail. I had a net of 4 people that I passed.

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