
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Evening at Home ... Not

Given the storms yesterday morning and my decision to skip my run and do early yoga instead, I was all excited about coming home to actually have dinner with hubby on a weeknight. That pretty much never happens during yoga month. We can have dinner together on Saturdays and Sundays if I make time during the day to go to yoga, but I'm never home before 8:20 or so on weeknights. And he tries to go get ready for bed by 8:30, so it's tough.

As I said, the big downside for me to yoga is that it severely cuts into my time with him.

I like spending time together. I once made a list of the characteristics I wanted in Mr. Right. With a friend's advice, I wrote "not a golfer." Her husband golfed and spent most of his weekends doing that instead of being with her. So since I like hubby, I actually want to spend time with him.

We have a special anniversary coming up this week (1,000 days of marriage!) and I thought it would be nice to surprise him at home tonight by skipping yoga at night by having gone in the morning.


Surprises don't work well for us.

My yoga class goes 6:30 to 8, so I usually leave work by 6:10 at the latest to make it. I figured I'd split my free time tonight. Work later than usual, but still be home earlier than usual.

I planned to leave the office around 7, and I was just a bit later than that. Still would put me home an hour earlier than with class.

So imagine my surprise when I came home to an empty garage!

I gave in and called him to tell him that I was home to surprise him. Silly of me to think he'd be here waiting for me. Turns out he'd also taken the opportunity to work late, and then he went to the grocery store where he decided to eat a solo dinner before getting the stuff on our mid-week list.

Bah. So he didn't even get home until after 8. I had to eat solo, since he'd been eating when I called, and we still barely got to see each other.

Guess that will teach me to attempt a surprise!  Oh well.  At least I got to catch up on half an hour of lo scapolo (The Bachelor). 

This morning we went to boot camp together and tonight the plan is yoga together, so at least I'll physically have eyes on him for a few hours today, though of course there's not really any chance to talk at boot camp and no talking allowed at yoga...

1 comment:

  1. It IS hard to fit in time together when the schedules don't match up. I feel your pain! But congrats on 1000 days!
