
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FMM: More Favorite Things

I was nearly computer-free all weekend.  Nothing particularly exciting to report.  We had a dinner party on Friday -- somehow I managed to get all my work done and have everything ready on time.  Hubby and I both drank too much, so we didn't run on Saturday and essentially laid around all day.  Sunday I had a 16-miler on the schedule, and it was solid until about mile 12, then my calf tightened up a lot and would not loosen, so I told my buds to go on without me and I slowed significantly to finish up the last 4 miles.  Then I really did a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day and all day Monday.  I guess my big accomplishment is making some progress on a wedding scrapbook I'm trying to finish.  You know, just a couple years after we got married...

Anyway, being offline most of the weekend made me complete forget about the Friend-Making Monday posts until I saw it on Bella's blog this morning (and I thought I'd post while I ice my calf). 

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Favorite Things

1) What is your favorite food?  Tough call -- green grapes or green peas.  Or cheesecake or olives.  But I definitely think absolute favorite food is probably good green grapes.  I eat way more than I probably should.  I like that they're so moist that it almost seems like you're drinking when you eat them. 

2) What is your favorite childhood memory?   I have no idea how I'd go about picking one.  It probably involves guys in drag.  Either getting to put barrettes and/or make-up onto my dad and/or my little brothers.  And with my baby brother, I even got to put him in dresses sometimes when he was about 2 or 3 and put him in my doll cradle.  Oddly enough, they all seem unscarred by it.  But I used to love essentially pretending I had a little sister.  Why didn't I mess with my mom's hair instead?  I have no idea....  It was just so funny to see these little mini pigtails I'd put all over my dad's head...

3) What is your favorite way to burn calories?  I guess I'd say running, though I think of that more as training, rather than burning calories, so maybe a better answer is boot camp.  That I do mostly for the calorie-burning.  I'm about to start heated yoga for a month next week -- wonder how that will compare for me.  When I've done it before, I've really enjoyed it, but I don't wear a heart-rate monitor when I've gone, so I don't know how many calories I burn. 

4) What is your favorite mode of technological communication? Phone? Text? E-mail? Tweets?  I guess I'd say email.  I'm not a big texter, and I don't read or write tweets.  I like the phone but I've noticed lately that I like email more in some ways -- especially for work.  Someone can answer my question at his or her convenience, rather than the immediate drop-everything of a phone call.  And I like having things in writing.  In terms of personal communication, I guess I'd say phone. 

5) Who is your favorite actor/actress?  Tough call.  I used to always say Tom Cruise not because I particularly liked him or his acting, but because he chose good movies to make.  Not sure what this says about me, but I'm tempted to now say Will Ferrell.  He seriously cracks me up.  We just watched The Other Guys, and I was seriously laughing so much.  And Elf completely kills me it's so funny. 

6) What is your favorite lip color?  I've been stuck on the same basic color for years.  Mary Kay brand(which seems to be my favorite brand, including when compared to many higher end ones, it just stays better for me), color kind of like a sienna or amber or toffee.

7) Who is your favorite historical figure? Very hard to say!  Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova of Russia probably.  I've read a lot about her and her impact on the events of the day.  But I love history so much, it's tough to choose one.  I love WWII stuff, but it's too hard to pick a single person. 

8) Who is your favorite athlete?  Haile Gebrselassie probably -- a runner with an amazing story, I think he still holds the official world record for the marathon.  I like American athletes of course, but somehow it's almost more inspiring for me to read about foreign, particularly African, athletes -- the stories are harder to find but incredibly inspirational when you manage to find someone's back story, what they do with their winnings, etc.  I get that every elite runner struggles to be great, it's just that their struggle seems so much bigger. 

9) What is your favorite TV network?  TLC probably...  I like a bunch of random shows there, and even a lot of the ones I don't like just kind of suck me in.  If History or History International had decent real history programming, that would be my fave, but they both show all kinds of weird shows way too often.  I like Lifetime movies a lot, but it seems to show mostly crappy sitcoms... And Travel channel doesn't show much travel.  So many networks I could potentially like more, but they're not as advertised. 

10) What is your favorite site on the web?  Facebook, followed by Westlaw.  Haha.  Love reading blogs too of course. 

There you have it.  Maybe I'll have new friends on a Tuesday...

1 comment:

  1. The trick for FMM is to go to Kenlie's blog, post your link, and then comment on a few of the people who have posted there, too. You'll be amazed at how many new friends you make if you try it.
