
Monday, August 15, 2011

Wet Stuff Coming Down??

I woke up for my run on Saturday and was confused.  There was wet stuff coming from the sky.  I momentarily thought maybe the world was ending, then I remembered it was this thing called rain, something we haven't seen in Dallas since June 21.  I was so excited to run!

I met my buddies and we thought about delaying the start of our run a bit since there was some lightning.  But of course the problem with summer running in Dallas is that if you wait too long, it just gets more miserable, so we decided to take off in the rain.

It was lovely.  We didn't get struck by lightning, though we saw several more flashes over the first few miles.  The rain continued all 9 miles, and we were completely soaked by the end.  But the rain brought some cooler temps and it was amazing.  9 cool, wet miles.  If you can really call mid-70s cool...  But after these last 6-8 weeks, that 5-10 degree drop in morning temps felt heavenly.  It's strange to remember during my Boston training when we had a "warm" weekend run -- meaning something in the 50s or 60s.  It's all relative!

Anyway, the rest of the day Saturday was as great as a day hubby works can be -- had a friend come over to help with the puzzle, then we went to the vegan Chinese buffet and I ate WAY too much.  Came home to more puzzle work and just some relaxation.  The most miserable part of the day was a trip to Toys R Us for my niece's second bday present.  Talk about birth control!  There were kids having tantrums and screaming everywhere.  What a nightmare! 

Sunday was also nice.  I ended up with 15.5 miles on Sunday morning -- felt fine but it was humid and kind of yucky.  And my left hami/groin muscle is kind of tight, but I don't think it's a big deal.  But maybe I should look for a rest day in the near future.  I know I haven't taken a day off from working out in August, but I just went back to look at my Garmin data, and my last day off from exercise was the weekend of July 23!  I took completely off on 7-23, and I did very little on 7-24. 

Wow!  That's 3 straight weeks of work-outs! 

I don't see a day off anytime soon unless I do it Friday.  I'm running as I always do on Tues and Thurs, plus I think I have at least 2, maybe 3 workouts on Wed (boot camp, maybe a run home, then an evening social run followed by a pool at a bar!).  And I'm pretty locked in to a run on Sat and kayaking for a few hours afterward, and of course a run on Sunday.  So my only option for a day off is Fri.  Hmmm...  Friday may be the PT test at boot camp, and I hate doing that, so that could be an ideal day to skip.  I think I'm seeing a rest day this week! 

Anyway, the rest of the day Sunday was mostly spent with the puzzle and getting caught up on laundry, after our washing machine had been broken for a week.  Turns out one of those nylon footies that I wear with work shoes escaped from a lingerie bag and got caught in the washer's drain, causing an error code to appear.  Whew.  It was $100 for the service call, but the guy also looked at our fridge (water dispenser isn't working), and he's calling or emailing us this week with info on whether he can fix it, so it was kind of like 2 birds with 1 stone. 

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