
Friday, August 19, 2011

Puzzle Done

Okay, I should get back to posting regularly soon.  Hubby finished the puzzle last night.  It's beautiful.  He will love tearing it apart.  And now I can go back to the usual ways of occupying my free time -- planning travel, doing random stuff around the house, reading, watching bad tv, reading (and I suppose writing) blogs, sleeping, etc. 

I'll have to write about it later, but hubby and I went to a first book club meeting last night and were the only two there who hadn't done the reading.  I tried to explain the puzzle time suck, but I just don't think anyone understood. 

Should be a nice weekend.  Dinner tonight at my local fave restaurant, then a wine tasting.  Tomorrow likely a run around the lake, then a few hours of kayaking, then some shopping.  Sunday more running and then chilling solo while hubby works.  Hopefully lots of relaxation during the day Sunday, plus I'm going to cook a fun dinner -- Mediterranean eggplant with barley. 

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