
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So apparently every running doctor in Dallas is on spring break this week.  Lovely.  But I have my own plan.  I'm RICEing religiously (though I'm lacking a bit in the E department).  And I took today off from running.  No pain.

Tomorrow we have our first track workout.  The schedule has us park at our usual spot and warm-up for a couple miles, which dumps us out at the track.  Then the speed workout, then running the cool-down back to our cars.

Definitely not a good idea for me. 

So I'm going to sleep in until 5 and then drive to the track.  I can warm up there and do some, all or none of the workout, depending how my leg feels.  And if it hurts, I'm less than .2 miles from my car at all times!  Plus my coach will see that I'm still trying but being smart at the same time. 

It's the best plan I can think of. 

In other news, my momma comes to visit tomorrow!  Her flight gets in tomorrow night around 7:30, and I'm so excited.  I haven't seen her since Xmas.  Woo-hoo!! 

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