
Monday, March 14, 2011

Jury's Still Out

Can't tell if this calf pain is a real injury or not.  I woke up today and it felt fine as I walked around getting ready for work.  And it was fine all day.  But now that I'm home from work, seems like there's some pain there again as I'm walking around.  Ugh.

I'm icing and I've worn compression sleeves today.  And I rested this morning and I'll elevate tonight. 

Fortunately tomorrow is the hill loop.  Last week we were on a 10 mile loop and at about the absolute furthest point from our cars, I passed a guy and asked him if he was okay.  He said he was hurting and that he was going to take a shortcut back.  Little did he know, there was no shortcut from there.  It was basically a choice of finishing the route or trying to find a ride -- from a cab (non-existent in this area at that time), from a stranger (also tough), or waiting for someone else to finish running and then come back to get you.  So he just finished it out.

But tomorrow we'll run a circuitous few miles to warm up, then we have a 1-mile loop we do five times, then a cool down.  If I need to call it quits at any point on the loop, I'm really close to my car. 

So I'm going to cross my fingers! 

Work is blah this week -- because I'm not working.  Instead, I'm in off-site training and it's so horribly inefficient.  Like a serious waste of time.  It's frustrating.  I'd be better off if I could just read the materials on my own.  Argh.  But I should be back in the office Thurs afternoon or Friday.  And my mom's coming into town Thurs night. 

We're going out for an awesome dinner that night.  Then Fri I think we'll bring her to camp.  Then she and the AC are going to the mall for the day on Friday so she can shop for a dress for my baby brother's wedding and then they're going to see a movie.  They might come meet me for lunch.  Not sure where we'll go Fri night.  Sat I think we're running.  Definitely going out for brunch to one of our fave places.  Maybe more shopping during the day.  Still have to figure out the rest of that day...  Sunday she leaves unfortunately.  But it will be a fun little visit and I'll see her again (with the rest of my family) in July for my baby bro's wedding. 

Tonight's agenda:  The Bachelor and researching vacation hotels! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you at least were starting to feel better this morning. Hope you're fully healed soon and your R.I.C.E works :)

    We're having girls night tonight for the Bachelor finale. Hope the finale lives up to the hype :)
