
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Day IV.5

Another snow day!  If court deadlines were correspondingly adjusted, this would be awesome!  But, argh, I have two things due tomorrow, and I have to be prepared for the possibility the courts will be open.  Not so easy to get things ready when the office is closed.  I brought tons of stuff home with me to get them done, but it's not the same.  And making it even more difficult is the fact that I just took a little walk to check the mail and realized our Netflix movie was here -- The Social Network, which I've really wanted to see.  And hubby is off today too, so it's quite the battle.

I wish I'd tried to run this morning.  There are 8 miles on the schedule and there's a good chance I will skip all 8.  I was planning to do 6 at the social run tonight, but that was cancelled for the weather.

Hubby and I got up for boot camp this morning though.  Oddly enough, he really didn't want to go.  Usually I'm the one who will take any excuse to skip it and just sleep in, but he loves going so much, that I get up too.  Today though he kept asking if I was planning to go, if I was really going to work out (because I've started attending in body only on Mondays, pretty much just standing around and helping hubby count reps and stuff, answering questions from other campers, since it's my only official rest day).  I knew I wanted to go, so he got up and we went together.

No problems driving downtown.  The roads were wet and I was worried they'd be slick (temp was in the low 20s!), but it was fine.  I drove his car and had no issues.  We worked out for the hour, then headed home, with me driving again.  The roads had gotten significantly worse.  A dusting of snow, but the infamous north Texas "wintry mix" falling, and what wetness remained on the roads rapidly freezing.  I drove for about a mile and had several issues.  A light would turn green but my tires would spin instead of engaging.  I'd hit a little slick spot and feel like we were hydroplaning.  Then we were coming up on a red light and I hit the brakes but nothing happened.  We just kept going forward and I could hear the traction control trying to kick in.

I must say, I'm getting to be a better driver.  I was screaming as I realized the car wasn't stopping, but I didn't cover my eyes!  I didn't even close them!  Instead, I kept looking at the road and watched the intersection, presumably so I could lay on the horn if I saw the car of death plowing toward us.  But no one was coming and the tires eventually caught traction and stopped, just a tiny bit into the intersection. 

But that was enough for me.  As soon as we stopped, I put it in park and hopped out and told hubby it was his turn to drive.  He never covers his eyes when he thinks he's going to crash.  It was much safer. 

So now I'm gearing up to work from home.  With The Social Network and a big pot of double mac and cheese for lunch soon!

1 comment:

  1. stay warm down there! can't believe you're getting snow as well. We've got about two feet on the ground but thankfully nothing new in the forecast!
