
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fort Worth Running?

I'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm trying to figure out what I'll be doing a week from now.

I promised myself I wouldn't make a decision about whether or not to run our local full (White Rock) on Dec. 5 until after this weekend's race.  And I'm not committing.  But part of me is trying to figure out how I'll train for it if I decide to do it.

Basically, the plan will be 13.1 hard this weekend, then a long run of about 20 miles, then about 15, then about 10.  Hmmm.  The easy option is to roll into a Rock training group with the program I currently run with.  But it's not as much fun to join a group already in progress.  But it's what I did last year and is likely what I'll do again.

But there's a Fort Worth racing option.  I could do the half this weekend, do a 20 mile race in FTW next weekend (guaranteed PR), then a half in FTW the following wknd (and I could add on a couple for 15 if I wanted), then the Dallas Turkey Trot for 8 miles, and then an optional 10 a couple days later.

Typically, I do a race in FTW about once or twice a year.  Their big marathon is in Feb.  I've never done it, but I've done the half and the 10k there, and maybe the 5k, I can't remember off the top of my head.  And then I've done the half there that is coming up in a couple weeks.  That's an odd race.  Very small, but a very fast field.  The time I did it, I ran with a friend as a recovery run from the San Antonio marathon the weekend before.  We ran easy, but it was still a decent finish time, one that would have been a PR for me a couple years earlier.  Yet we were among the last 30 runners to finish.  It was crazy! 

So now I might run in FTW two of the four wknds in November.  Hmm... could be fun!  May have to see if I can convince a running buddy to do both with me.  Just a thought milling about in my head today. 

Not much to report from this morning, it was raining so I didn't run home from camp.  Did lots of exercises with the ankle bands, so I'm bracing myself for sore glutes and legs tomorrow...

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