
Friday, November 5, 2010

Back to Plan errr C

We're in the clear.  First, she hasn't gone into labor yet, so my cousin and his wife are still primary childcare for the other three kids.  Second, her mother is here, so she is now Plan B.  Thus, we are relegated, fortunately to Plan C. 

We hung out with them a bit last night and wow, 37 weeks appears very pregnant and very uncomfortable!  She looks great, but wow, I just can't imagine!  Anyway, we got my cousin to join us at boot camp this morning, which was a lot of fun.  He's in the military right now so he's in great shape and the instructor just couldn't shake him.  I asked Grant to run with him on the 1.5 miles, b/c Grant is usually first and that was the best I could do.  But then we ran in the parking lot, he even left Grant behind. 

I think I've talked him into doing the half this weekend as well, which will be fun.  Hubby picked up packets yesterday for me and Adam.  The shirts are really cool.

Adam and I talked a bit of race strategy at lunch today.  He's not sure about racing it, which is kind of disappointing for me.  But I also know what he says and what he does might not be the same thing.  I was envisioning us flying through the course together.  Or him in front of me and my graciously accepting the loss and being ecstatic for his new PR.  I just know if we run together for 10 miles easy and then decide to run hard, he'll smoke me.  I need to run steady, and aim for a slight negative split.  A big one if possible, but I can't go out too fast or too slow. 

I know I can run my own race.  I have a time goal in my head (beating Adam's current PR) and I can go for that alone.  But it just seems like it would be more fun to go it together.  We'll see.  At least we get to do tons of other cool stuff together this weekend.  Tonight after my sweet hubby has to go home (he has to work early tomorrow), we're going to an improv show, which will be cool.  Tomorrow we're going to picnic with cousin/family at the Arboretum.  Tomorrow night I think we're going out for pizza after the AC gets off work.  Sunday the race, then brunch.  Yeah! 

Fun, fun weekend ahead!!!  Fingers crossed hard for a solid race on Sunday.  Trying to start hydrating now, though it's harder to do when it's cold out!! 

PR or bust?  Breaking Adam's PR or bust?  13.1 injury-free fun miles?  We shall see on Sunday at the finish line! 

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