
Monday, September 14, 2015

Done and done!

Yesterday was my last long-long run for the season.  22 miles, but they were glorious!  We're having a freakish cold spell here and it dropped down to 66 degrees and 56% humidity.  I felt like I could have run forever! 

I got to run in temps in the 60s last weekend in Pittsburgh, but there were hills there!  Haha.  It was actually a much easier run for me yesterday than the week before, which I guess is good as I get closer to the race. 

My big issue was that I need new shoes.  I have worn Brooks Glycerin forever, seriously, probably the better part of a decade -- with a couple flirtations with other shoes that turned out to be just flings. 

Well, my purple Brooks Glycerin 12s were getting worn out, so I went to buy more.  Not available at my local running store (and I always try to buy there first; as nice as online discounts are...).  So I just bought a pair of Brooks Glycerin 13s.  I switched seamlessly from the 11 to 12 whenever that transition happened.  I remember some bumps transitioning from 10 to 11, but I got used to them. 

The Brooks Glycerin 13s suck.  There's no other way to put it.  I talked about it with someone at the store and my problem is not unique.  Apparently they switched to a slightly thicker insert or insole in the shoe and when I get over about 9 miles and I'm sweating a lot, they bunch up.  It's insane!  And totally unworkable.

So I'm trying to both transition to a new shoe (going back to Asics Supernova I think), but I'm also trying to buy all available Glycerin 12s just to get me through the marathons on the calendar as of right now.  Nothing local, nothing readily available online, but after CALLING a Dick's outside of Philly, I found a pair and they said they'd ship to the Dick's right by my office.  And I found another pair at a running store in Washington state that they are supposedly going to ship (but as far as I can tell, they never shipped or charged me and it's been over a week).  So I wore my new Asics to run on Saturday, but back to my trusty worn out Glycerin 12s for my 22-miler.  I'll survive.  I might switch to the Asics more quickly than planned and start trying to wear them on all my weekday runs just in case none of the Glycerin 12s I tried to order ever show up.  I bet I could get one more marathon out of the pair I have.  And if I have any short weekdays under 8 miles, I could wear the Glycerin 13s. 

The rest of the weekend was lazy.  Extremely and crazily so.  It was lovely.  I was working in Austin last week, and Philly this week, so having some down time was nice.  I'm trying to think if I did anything other than run, nap, and watch Dexter.  I don't think I did! 

So one more intense running week, if I can survive, and then I'll really be tapering.  And one more travel week of work, if I can survive, then I'll be local until I go home for my race for 4 days, and then to Spain a few days later for vacation.  Unfortunately work is going to be chaos for the next couple weeks, but I'll get through it! 


  1. Don't you hate that? Why do they always have to change the shoes? Stick with what people like. Personally, I switched to Hokas and I am in love.

  2. I was just commenting on another blog about a review I'd read about the new version of the Saucony Kinvara (the 6), where the reviewer didn't like them because they re-narrowed the toe-box. Ugh ... not a biggie for me, but for this other guy it was a killer. The Kinvara 5 was pretty much perfect in terms of fit and feel - and now I know I have to buy another pair before they disappear :)

    I know I'm pretty lucky that my feet with 'deal with' most stuff, but I still have preferences ... but I agree with you and Meredith about how it is lousy that shoe companies are constantly mixing things up!

    But good on the cooler runs - we had a week or so of 'real summer' that just ended this weekend, and now the mornings are back to the 40s today. It definitely feels much different :)

  3. I had a problem with the new version of my Asics GT 2000. The mesh is much lighter & not as durable, so my feet were freezing in winter & they got holes in the toe area quickly. I made do over the winter with buying special warm socks & just dealt with holes in the mesh. Since then I've just been buying the older version. Luckily there seems to be a big supply online. Nice that you had great weather for your 22 miler!

  4. aw man! you were in austin and didn't tell me? we could've had lunch or something!
