
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring on the Trail

This post is actually probably two weeks old?  But I took photos on my phone and really wanted to share. 

The weekend after St. Pat's was when it became official that spring has sprung in Dallas.  The weekend had incredible weather. 

Everything was in bloom on the running trail a couple blocks from our house: 

And it was jam packed with runners, walkers, dog walkers, cyclists, roller bladers, and probably several other groups I can't even recall.

Mile marker 1 on the south-bound trail (it's the strip inlaid in the path): 

And even neighbors are providing further evidence of Spring:

Unfortunately, the other consequence of Spring -- it's warm.  And by warm, this is what I mean (and this is only significant if you can see that little time stamp up at the top; 4:39, getting dressed to run, already 70 degrees...): 

I think we've already had three mornings over 70 degrees between 5 and 6 a.m. when I start my workouts.  Makes me fear that this is going to be a long and ugly summer, but we shall see. 


  1. We are JUST getting to that warm, Spring weather. This is the strangest winter we've ever had.

  2. So pretty! I can't wait until flowers start showing up here. It was 58 degrees early this morning, but of course we had plenty of rain to cool things off. If its not cold, it's rain or wind or something!

  3. Gorgeous photos!! Spring has sprung here in CA, and I am loving all the flowers.

  4. I'm so jealous!! Spring looks beautiful. No sign of it here. I'm fearful we are going to go directly from this hellacious winter right into a hot summer. I will not complain though.

  5. i wish the early spring was how it was like year round here in texas
