
Friday, April 3, 2015

April Fool's

A couple days late but had to share some April Fool's fun.

When my boss came in, my new coworker and I totally got him.  There has been a bit of a freak out lately because someone we just started working with had two very significant (and potentially bad) things happen recently and we learned about both of them in the second half of March.  So he's on his guard when it comes to that company already.  Well, Wednesday morning, as soon as he walked in the office, we flagged him into my office (where I pretended to hang up a phone call about the crisis) and we told him about two "new" serious cases with the same company.  Made up facts and all.  He was totally shocked and said something like "Oh my God, are you kidding?"  And we were like "Yes. April Fool's."  At one point I was worried I'd crack a smile so I had to pretend to look at my calendar to get a date.  He'd totally forgotten it was April 1.  I couldn't believe it.  I got him last year too with something similar! 

But the main reason I had to write this post was the car I saw when merging onto the highway after work.  I wish I'd been able to take a picture, but I was driving.  It was a big black SUV.  Something like a Tahoe?  Anyway, three pieces of paper attached to the back of the SUV.  The first one said something like "Say 'Hi Walter!'"  The next one said "Honk, yell and wave!"  The last one said "April Fool's Day 2015".   I'm sure by the time Walter was driving home from work, he'd seen the signs walking up to his car, but it was a cute idea.  I wonder how many people honked, yelled, or waved at Walter.

Funny stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it ... ! I am not a huge April Fool's fan, especially dealing with all of the online crap. But I like this and how Accuradio had a station of 'Hold Music' - they actually put together a station with elevator music! haha
