
Monday, February 16, 2015

Mardi Gras

What an awesome weekend we had!

I absolutely need to do another post, but COC's parade theme this year was "Run, Run, Run!"  Best Mardi Gras parade theme ever for someone who likes to run!  I took pics of a bunch of it that I will have to post. 

The funniest part of the weekend was that my bestie was crazy, crazy intoxicated at the ball.  It was so funny.  It turns out she hadn't eaten all day (lots of running around).  At one point, I told her I was going to get some cheese and crackers and asked her if she wanted any.  She responded with something about New Jersey? 

I know she was disappointed to miss the ball, but she and her husband left very early. 

Thankfully we had time to hang out Friday and then during the day Saturday, and briefly Sunday before we had to head home. 

We had such a great time.  Great weather, lots of good food, and for the first time in years, I managed to maintain a mild buzz for much of the weekend, never actually becoming intoxicated.  This year there were basically three other law school couples (besides my bestie and hubby), plus her ex-boyfriend and his fiancee, and her sister and her boyfriend, so we had a group of 14 which made for a lot of fun.  There were also 4 kids, plus my bestie's parents and all their friends.  Lots of people to chat with and laugh with. 

We stayed at the ball until about 2.  My husband's shoes were really bothering him and he wanted to leave about midnight, but I convinced him to check out the two side band rooms, and the first one we went to he loved.  The group was Gretsch Lyles and the Modern Eldorados.  They played a lot of oldies, stuff like Buddy Holly, Elvis, some stuff from the 70s and 80s maybe?  I can't remember all of it, but my husband loved it and as long as he was happy and not asking to leave, and there was music and dancing, no complaints from me! 

The drive home was rough.  We had gotten less than 5 hours of sleep and I was supposed to drive the whole way (hubby did the whole drive on Friday, while I worked in the car).  I managed to drive for about 4 and a half hours and I was getting nervous because I was so tired.  Hubby had napped for some of the morning, so he took over for a couple hours while I slept.  Oh, that was so lucky for me.  By the time we crossed the state line into Texas, I felt great and was able to take over again. 

The best part about driving was that I got to pack as much stuff as I wanted.  That meant bringing some food for the party room (mac and cheese bites, a dip, our alcohol choices), but I also brought my blender and my smoothie stuff for Saturday breakfast.

The one thing I forgot was a water bottle.  Since I was not overserved on Fri night, I got up and went for a run Saturday morning.  I told my husband I wanted to do 5 or more miles, ideally about 10, but without water, I wasn't sure.  As soon as I got outside, I realized it was a lot warmer than my phone had said, but I set out.  I considered stopping at two fast food places to see about getting a cup of water, but then I passed a gym.  Best World Gym maybe?  Don't remember the name, but I thought any fitness lover might be sympathetic.  I went in and there were 3 people working out.  The woman came up to me and asked if she could help.  She said there was a water fountain or I could have a bottle.  An icy cold bottle of water was a dream and it carried me about 3 more miles before the neighborhood was just too creepy and I decided to turn back.  I ended up with over 10 miles, which is probably my longest Mardi Gras run aside from the year I was training for Boston.  It was slow, but lovely.  And then I got back to the room and got to have my smoothie! 

A long run and my fave breakfast made Mardi Gras even better.  All the comforts of home, plus my best friend, parades, beads, and all kinds of fun food and drinks...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a great time! sorry your friend had to leave the ball early
