
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Europe Recap: Salzburg

Continuing tradition, while we are on vacation this year, I'm sharing some photos and details from last year's trip. Last year, you got to see China while we were in Europe. This year, you get to see Europe while we are in India! 

We intended to go to Hitler's Eagle's Nest, but that plan didn't work due to spending too much time sleeping and eating, so instead, we drove on to Salzburg, Austria for a day trip.  A rainy day trip, but lovely.

I had been there before, but it was my husband's first time in Austria.

We enjoyed seeing the countryside on the drive from Munich to Salzburg.

Eagle's Nest is up that way, too foggy to enjoy.

Crossing the border into Austria.  That whole EU thing makes it as uneventful as driving from Texas into Oklahoma:

Salzburg itself:

Views from up at the castle:

This was fun for us.  One of the retirement plan options is to run a marionette or puppet theater in Italy, possibly silent political commentary.

Yep, in Austria:

Some interesting art (descripton below the photo):

More art:

For dinner, we found this burger stand.  I don't speak German, but this article seems to say something about the BEST POTATOES (meaning fries):

Yep, they were right.  Potatoes peeled, cut and fried before your eyes.  Veggie burger options too.  So good!

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