
Monday, October 27, 2014

Europe Recap: Lugano

Continuing tradition, while we are on vacation this year, I'm sharing some photos and details from last year's trip. Last year, you got to see China while we were in Europe. This year, you get to see Europe while we are in India! 

Our next stop was Lugano, Switzerland.  I have no good explanation for why I didn't take very many pictures.  It was foggy?  My camera batteries died?  Most of my seeing the city time was spent doing my first post-marathon long-ish run and I didn't carry my camera? 

We stayed at the Hotel Delfino, which was nice, but man, we had a heck of a time getting there based on the map on my phone.  One way streets, roads that didn't actually connect, and tons of missed turns, it was stressful.  But the hotel was great.  This was the view from our hotel, you can see out to Lake Lugano:

Here is a cloudy Lake Lugano view, taken from right along the water:

It was so beautiful:

This picture was a little weird because in some ways, particularly the way the mountains meet the water, and the foggy haze, it reminded me a lot of visiting the Three Gorges in 2012.  I actually went to the trouble of linking that post so you can see the similarity if you're so inclined:

We went to Paradiso, which is an independent municipality surrounded by Lugano:

Lake Lugano:

Fountain in the park that runs along Lake Lugano:

A massive post-run breakfast:

Ah, happiness.  After we left Lugano, we saw this sign.  What it says (about declaring domestic animals) is irrelevant, the point is only that we crossed the border into Italia!


  1. Switzerland looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing the post. I hope you're having a great time in India!!
