
Friday, October 3, 2014

Best Part of the Taper

So yesterday was perhaps the ultimate highlight of my training.   Well, actually Wednesday night, but the true joy was recognized yesterday.

This happened Wednesday night:

It would be so much cooler if my phone weren't in Italian, but the rough translation is that the 4:47 Tuesday/Thursday alarm was turned off!
Thursday morning when all my friends who are training for Chicago or Marine Corps or some crazy Ironman stuff got up to go running, I slept in.
It felt extra glorious because I woke up at 4:44.  It sucks getting older.  I swear that would not have happened to me 10 years ago.  But even though I woke up out of habit, I went right back to sleep! 
The icing on the taper cake (since I can't eat cake while tapering, it's especially lovely). 
And I should mention that I got to semi-sleep in today.  I skipped boot camp, but I woke up early to get busy with work since I'm going to have to be offline for a while during transit this afternoon. 
Hoping the extra sleep will make me feel even more ready. 


  1. Good luck and keep us all up to date! :)

  2. Is your race this weekend? Very exciting! Good luck & can't wait to hear about it.

  3. What is this extra sleep you speak of?! Oh that must have felt great. I have such mixed feelings about taper. It's so hard to pull back after all those weeks of activity. I always say I should do yoga during taper. Enjoy the extra sleep!
