
Monday, September 22, 2014

Just in Time

Monday, my old foe! 

Now that I'm into the final countdown at work before vacation, things are feeling pretty crazy.  I've got a few super-active cases right now, and I need to prepare all my files for our three audits.  For better or worse, our three annual audits are all going to be in a 30 day period, and I'll be out of town completely for one of them. 

Thankfully, I'm hoping to get some extra sleep this week.  Lower mileage will help.  I am also just taking it easy in general, which is good because I'm hurting. 

That anterior tibialis tendon is tender again (not bad, but tender), and I'm having horrible hand pain.  I finally talked to "a real MD" (name that movie quote) about it over the weekend.  Ever heard of the Hook of Hamate?  Sounds freaky, doesn't it?  It's a bone in your hand.

He said he does not think I need to be concerned.  He thinks it's a bone bruise and it will heal, particularly if I take time off.  He does NOT think it's fractured, particularly since while I have a lot of pain when I put pressure on the outside of the palm of my hand (or when I move it at certain angles), the ulnar nerve does not seem to be implicated.

Sadly, he basically said my own laziness caused it.  At boot camp a few weeks ago, one day we did a lot of work while propped up on our hands in the push-up position (doing rows, mountain climbers, plank raises, squat thrusts, push-ups, etc.).  I felt some pain then but thought it was my weak @ss wrists. 

I can feel it when I run but it shouldn't really interfere, I mean, it's my hand for goodness sake!

But he said taking a few weeks off when we're on vacation (which I was going to do anyway) should help a lot.  So this vacation really is coming just in time! 

To end on a happy note, did you see this?

Yeah, new women's masters half-marathon record as of this past weekend -- 1:09:36 yesterday in Philly.  She's 41.  Wow.  And in 89% humidity (the blurb about the men's race says that, but no word on the temp). 

If you have time, the blurb is short and worth reading, the mental strength it must have taken.  I can just imagine a side stitch like that and just deciding to dial it down.  Very impressive!


  1. The Hook of Hamate sounds ridiculously crazy, but I'm sorry you're still in pain :(. You could have taken on some of my push-ups today :).

    1. It was more fun to just stand around and realize your form has gotten perfect!

  2. Deena Kastor is a beast, isn't she?

    Hope your body heals up soon.

    1. Well, you would know beast! You're killing it this year (even if you throw in a marathon to avoid doing an unsupported 20 miler)!

  3. Kastor came to New Orleans earlier in the year with the same goal, but she didn't start due to terrible race day conditions (hot, humid, muggy, fog!). I was glad to read that she met her goal.

    1. Wow, I didn't know that. I don't know why it surprises me to see elites fail at their goals and have to make multiple attempts, I should probably learn from that! I can imagine NO might not be the best PR city for her.

  4. Yes, your vacation really is comimg at the best time!

    Big cheers & kudos to Deena Kastor. The side pain started at mile 6, and to gut it out like that is really inspiring.

    1. Man, that means half the race she was dealing with that. Wow...
