
Friday, April 4, 2014

Back to Bikram

I've been thinking about going back to regular yoga for some time, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.  As I mentioned, there was a lot of turmoil at work in mid-January (including a RIF of non-attorneys), and that made things stressful so I needed yoga more, but I was also spending a lot more time at the office so I had less time to do yoga (unless of course I wanted to give up time spent running, at boot camp, eating or sleeping). 

But feeling that sharp pain in my calf one week and one day ago while I was at the track was the push I needed. 

I went back to Bikram on Friday night, even though we had out of town guests.  They went to happy hour then hung out at the house with hubby, and we went for a late, casual dinner after yoga (very casual, I didn't even have time to wash my sweat-soaked hair, yuck). 

Friday's class was at the studio closest to my house (less than a mile and a half away), taught by a guy with long shaggy blond hair.  My overwhelming impression was that I'd lost most of the progress I'd made through regular practice before.  It was primarily apparent in standing separate leg stretching, when I realized my forehead was at least a foot away from the floor.  But at least I knew what I was doing and how to try the postures properly.  Overall, it felt good and went fairly quickly. 

I was a bit sore on Saturday, but mostly hurting in my calf from the running injury. 

Sunday was more touring the city with our guests, still a sore calf. 

Monday I was generally feeling better, and decided I'd start a 30 day challenge on Tuesday.

Tuesday, since I couldn't run due to my sore gastroc, I went to a class at the further studio (about 2.5 miles from my house, but closer to my office) at 5:30 in the morning.  The instructor was a woman with big hair who did not have a typical yoga body.  As I hoped, after the first set of the very first breathing exercise, she declared that it was just too frigging hot and she walked out of class.  I was grinning the entire time, but a few people apparently forgot that it was April Fool's for about 10 seconds until she came back in.

Wednesday, I was a bit yoga sore, but I'd had an early day at work with a very important conference call in the morning, so I decided to leave early and go to the 6:00 class at the studio by my house.  The instructor had long curly hair and kept going hoarse and coughing the first 2/3 of the standing series.  One student went out to the desk and got her a mint.  At the first water break, she drank a bunch, and it got better, but by the time we got to triangle, we could barely hear her and it felt like she cut the posture short (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining!!!!).  I was very non-yogi and kept wondering why TF she didn't just try the mint.  Finally she opened the mint and that was the end of the coughing and losing her voice.  I felt like I saw the most progress (a whopping 3 classes' worth) in standing bow pulling pose, but of course, only when my left leg was on the group -- the calf injury is getting better for sure, but the leg is definitely weaker. 

Thursday morning, I went to the 5:30 a.m. class at the studio by work again (still no running).  Definitely the toughest class so far.  Not sure if it's because my last class ended 10 hours earlier, or if I was tighter than usual or what.  But yikes, it was a struggle.  I basically considered sitting out at least one set of every single posture, but I never did. 

My favorite posture has always been fixed firm.  Not sure if my calves are that much fatter or if muscles are just tighter, but I can't seem to get my hips on the ground when I'm sitting, so I really shouldn't even start fixed firm.  The main tightness/pain seems to be in my left ankle, which is weird.  But I think I'm seeing some progress there too. 

Today, I think I'm going to enjoy a 24 hour break from yoga.  Since I'm working from home, I might attempt to go to a late morning or lunchtime class (I have a CLE from 12-1 that is a webcast though).  Ahh. 

Part of me wishes I could just fast forward to the end of the month and see where I end up.  Do I finally drop those stubborn Oktoberfest and Italy pounds?  Do I ever get my forehead on the floor again?  Do I become a zen-master?  Do my new flip flops get the Bikram funk odor?  Do I break down and buy a special yoga towel?  Do I figure out a way to get big ice cubes in my bottle when I go to class straight from work?  Do I get back into my old routine of going to the nearby grocery store right after class to buy Gatorade?

So many questions, and only time will tell! 

1 comment:

  1. I had a Groupon for 20 yoga classes that ended over a month ago. I love the studio and the instructors especially my favorite Vinyasa instructor, but it's so darn expensive with the Groupon. Also with marathon training I don't have much time to go anyway. I really want to get more disciplined to do it from home with an online class or DVD. I love how I feel when I'm practicing yoga consistently.

    I've never tried Bikram before. It's not offered where I go, but I know there are studios around that offer it. I would love to try a class one day.

    I absolutely love your descriptions of the teachers. It's fun to read!
