
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Return of the Running Commute Delayed

Yesterday was supposed to be my first day back to a regular running commute.  My grand plan was to do one day this week, two days for the next couple weeks, then bump it up to the prior 2.5 days on weeks when we were able to work out the car logistics.

Since I'm not going to the Italian conversation group for a couple more months, car logistics are a bit more complicated.  I can't run home on Thursday nights since I have to take my laptop, dirty laundry, garment bag and lunch stuff with me.  And if I'm not going to the Italian conversation group, hubby can't pick me up on his way there. 

So I made peace with the fact that I might have to drive some Thursdays, at least until May, when I'll probably go back to the conversation group.  (As an aside, I'm contemplating undertaking formal lessons at a Mandarin Chinese school later this year as well!)

I figured Wednesday was the day this week since it would be convenient particularly on my way home.  I'm trying to go to the Wednesday night social run for the next few weeks as it's held about a mile from my office and is on my general direction home.  The plan was to run to work Wed. morning, then run to the social run, do the social run, then stay at the cafe where it's held for dinner and maybe a beer with running friends, have hubby meet me there, then ride home with him. 

I did this every Wednesday last year for the 4 weeks the social run is at this cafe, and it worked out well.  Hubby got caught with work stuff one night, but a friend was able to drop me at home on her way after dinner.  But last year at this time, my running was fairly intense.  I was commuting 2.5 days per week every week and had been since mid-November.  Not exactly the same story this year.  I have done less than a dozen running commutes I think since we flew to Europe at the end of September.  But yesterday was the day.  It was going to be the day I officially got back on the commuting horse and stayed on for the year. 

But then we ended up with a cold front on Wednesday morning.  Not cold like what much of the country is experiencing, but cold enough to make me whine (I think the temp was 35, with 25-30 mph winds, so a wind chill in the mid-20s).  It felt much colder since we've had a few mornings in the 60s recently.  Somehow after it warms up, when it gets cold again, it feels extra-brutal to me. 

Anyway, yesterday morning, we went to boot camp and were happy to be working out inside.  We came home, I made breakfast, watched the news, and contemplated running to work.  Then I decided to drive.  Oops.  I just packed my running clothes for the evening, and decided to drive to the cafe, do the social run, then drive home.

Next week.  It's sure to be warmer, and it's probably best to go a bit gradually anyway.  So instead of dumping about 8 extra miles into my schedule this week as I planned, I'm only dumping 3-5 social run miles into the schedule.  Next week I'll do the full 8 extra, and the following week I'll hopefully move to 15 extra.  Slow, recovery pace miles, but it should be good for me. 

I'm ready to get back in my groove.  I hate the way my clothes are fitting these days.  I hate that I'm putting 20 miles per week on my car instead of on my legs. 

1 comment:

  1. If you’re not ready to hit it head on, then you’re not ready. and not everyone is good with running in the cold. I actually like running in the cold, however, I’m a big sissy when it comes to the wind and that 25-30mph winds would have kept me from heading out for a run too. besides, in the big scheme of things, what’s waiting one more week gonna hurt?
