
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

#Reverb13, Day 21: Encounters

Throughout the month of December (now January), I’ll be participating in #reverb13: Reverb is a way to reflect on the past year and project into the next year with a prompt a day for 31 days.

Day 21 – Encounters
What thing did you keep encountering this year over and over again? Was it something you learned from, or was it just a strange coincidence?

Nothing comes to mind for this prompt.  2013 brought similar encounters to 2012, and 2011...

I suppose the smallness of my neighborhood.  We live in an area of Dallas known as uptown.  We live across the steet from restaurants and are walking distance from lots of shops.  We live in a condo complex and while we've known our next door neighbors since they moved in (and we actually consider them among our dearest friends), 2013 was the year I felt like I got to know more neighbors. 

We had gotten to be friends with another neighbor in 2012 because her cousin was my Chinese tutor, but in 2013, my tutor had moved back to China, but we continued to spend time with that neighbor.

And we added a few other condo units to our list of friends -- at an HOA meeting in May or so, I overheard where someone had moved from and asked about it.  And eventually it turned out that he works for the same company as one of my brothers.  And because the company isn't huge and there is a notable fact about my brother (used to play pro ball), his name circulates and our neighbor had heard of him.  So when my brother was here visiting in August, we all went out for drinks.  And since then, they've had us over to their place for wine and we've started seeing each other more regularly.

I guess that's kind of cool.  For the first 8 or so years I lived here, I completely kept to myself.  I thought, if something ever happened to me and they interviewed my neighbors, I'd want them all to say they didn't really know me but I seemed pretty nice and normal.  But now they could get all kinds of scoop!

Sorry this one's so lame.  I really couldn't come up with any odd encounters in 2013. 

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