
Sunday, January 12, 2014

#Reverb13, Day 18: Wear

Throughout the month of December ((haha), I’ll be participating in #reverb13: Reverb is a way to reflect on the past year and project into the next year with a prompt a day for 31 days.

Day 18 – Wear:
What piece of clothing did you wear again and again all throughout the year? Why? Is it all worn out? Are you going to replace it or keep wearing it?

Nothing really comes to mind for this.  I have way too much stuff in my closet in general, but at times like this (when I'm on the heavy side of my usual range), I'm happy for the variety of sizes.  But even my favorite clothes I try not to wear too often. 

If I had to pick my signature piece of clothing for 2013, it was a pair of neon pink pants that I bought at the Gap.  I wore them to work once (slightly too casual for the office on a normal day), to book club, to dinner, and a few times in Europe.  Unfortunately for me, I wore them on both Christmas card picture days in Europe -- the day we went to Neuchwanstein castle in Germany, and the day we rode on the gondola in Venice.  We had a third picture this year that we used in a few cards and it was from the Ponte Rialto in Venice and it was the same day as the gondola ride.  So I decided to choose my second favorite Neuchwanstein picture to use in our cards since you couldn't see my pants in it. 

I thought the pants were done on the day I wore them in Neuchwanstein.  That night, we had dinner in Liechtenstein.   The place where we ate had a big salad bar where we made plates before our pizzas came.  And as I was eating my salad, a very juicy piece of beet fell off my plate, missed my napkin, and hit my light pink neon pants.  Ugh.  But I used stain stick on them and it worked -- I wore them again in Venice! 

So they are not worn out and if I can lose about 10 pounds and it gets about 40 degrees warmer, I will go back to wearing them. 

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