
Monday, September 9, 2013

FMM: Getting To Know Each Other

The highlight of my weekend was my looooong run yesterday!  22 miles!  It wasn't pretty, but it was probably one of the best 22 milers I've ever run in training, and as of mile 16, I was feeling pretty strong.  Unfortunately, I ended up doing the last 2 miles solo, and they were fairly slow, I was tuckering out.  But it's done! 

Now I just have to get through this week, and then I'll officially be in taper mode.  Only 15 miles this weekend (with more than half at race pace, which will be tough...), and then only 12!  And then the big 26.2.

I actually spent the weekend doing lots of Europe shopping.  I got new shoes that I hope will be comfortable for lots of walking (I expect we'll walk a lot in Munich and Venice and Amsterdam; I expect we won't walk much in Berlin or Lamezia).  I also got a warm black coat with a hood that is long enough to cover my behind -- I'm really hoping it will be cold enough to wear it!  Then if say we are up at Eagle's Nest, I can sit down on a cold stone wall and be perfectly comfortable.  I also got a couple pairs of knee-highs.  I think I'm going to wear compression sleeves for a lot of the time in Munich, but those might be nice both to stay warm and for a bit of compression. 

The rest of the weekend was uneventful.  I spent tons of time working on photo books for hubby's birthday and one for my mom for Christmas.  Oh, and some cooking (finally), and cleaning (not so fun).  But all in all, I feel so good and excited for the next few weeks!

So let's just get on with it Monday!

friend makin mondays

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Getting To Know Each Other
1. What is your favorite flower? I like Gerbera daisies and hydrangeas, but really, pretty much any flowers are nice! 

2. What is a date on the calendar that you’re looking forward to?  September 25 we fly to Europe!  Marathon is on the 29th. 

3. List at least five characteristics of your ideal mate.  I actually made this list in written form about three years before I started dating my husband, when I felt like I was spending too much time with the wrong kind of guy.  Things on the list were silly "bonus points" (like "dances at weddings" (which hubby does and I LOVE!)), to serious things (like considerate (another point hubby gets)).  Other things on the list -- affectionate, wants to see the world with me, happily will eat vegetarian meals sometimes (had a friend who became a vegetarian whose husband insisted she cook him meat, yeah, they're divorced), financially stable, not a golfer (this was important to me, since it would have meant we didn't get to spend time together on the weekends), gets along with my brothers and folks, taller than me. 

4. What is your favorite travel destination?  My top 10 places that I've been so far is posted here.  These have been my top 5 that I've been to so far: 
1. Southern Italy
2. Chiang Mai, Thailand
3. St. Petersburg
4. the Masai Mara area in Kenya
5. Bali

5. What is your idea of the perfect date?  Perfect date would probably be something like going to the lake and renting a sailboat or a kayak or canoe or paddleboat for a couple hours, then having a picnic.  Especially if it weren't 100* out. 

6. What is your relationship with your family like?  I wish I lived closer to them sometimes (but at the same time, I like our life here the way it is and they visit pretty often, which seems to be a good balance).  They are all very happy and healthy, and I love spending time with them. 

7. What time did you wake up this morning?  5:11 (alarm was supposed to go off at 5 but I forgot I'd turned it off last week Thursday night since I got an extra 10 minutes of sleep on Friday morning).  So hubby called at 5:11 to see why I hadn't come downstairs yet, I told him to grab my mat and save me a spot at boot camp.  I got there at 5:35 (counting getting up and dressed, driving, parking, and getting my weights in place), so not too bad! 

8. What characteristic do you like most about yourself? Which do you dislike most?  I'm reliable.  I'm argumentative. 

9. What is your favorite sport to watch?  Marathons.

10. Share a few interesting things that you did over the weekend.  I ran 22 miles, I organized pictures from last fall's trip to China into a photo book, I cooked "curried lentils with spinach" and I slept about 10 hours on Friday night! 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments. Take a minute to say hello to someone new this week too! Happy Monday!


  1. Congrats on your 22-mile run! I can't wait to hear about your marathon and trip! I was in Venice in November a few years ago... okay, it was about 7 years ago, and while it was cold, it wasn't any colder than it gets in the winter here in Dallas... but some of the other spots you are traveling to might be colder.

  2. Where in Europe are you going??? I love Europe!!

    1. Berlin, Munich, Lugano (quick stop), Lamezia Terme, Venezia, Amsterdam (only 1 day). Can't wait!
