
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Berlin Update

Amazing race.  New marathon world record -- 2:03:23.  New personal record. A re-q.  And strongest first 16 miles ever in a race for me.  But not what I was hoping for.  Missed my "a" goal time by several minutes.  But it was such a fun race that I'm not even a little bummed.  It was very flat and the weather was perfect.  I'm a bit sore but less than usual.  Quads are tight, right hamstring, and something new -- left calf/shin on the lower half on the outside of my leg.  

Fortunately, my first German liter of beer on this trip killed that pain tonight, and there should be plenty more at Oktoberfest.  

We're having a great time, and now that the race is over, should be even more fun.  

So far we've mostly stayed in Berlin.  Highlights have been the Wall, the Topography of Terror exhibit, the Brandenburg Gate, and Alexanderplatz.  We also took a day trip to Sachsenhausen, a concentration camp outside of Oranienburg.  Very sad, one I'd never visited.  

Anyway more details will follow when I'm home, just wanted to share the PR news!


  1. Congratulations! I have never commented before because I read on my iPhone and its hard to comment but I love reading your blog, you are so organized, and determined. Plus I enjoy all the details only another runners understand. :-)
    This morning I read about the new WR and all I could think was how did YOU do, since I've read about your training for several months.

    So glad to hear about your PR, you deserve it.

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more details. Enjoy the rest of the trip!!

  3. Woohoo!! Congrats! Can't wait to hear the details!

  4. I cant even run a half in that time lol!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

  5. AHHHHH!!! why didn't you tell us your finish time!?!?!?! that's what we all want to know! lol. glad you're having a great time!

  6. Congrats on the new PR and re-Q~! Sorry you didn't make you "A" goal, but a new PR is nothing to sneeze at!

  7. Congrats on both the new PR and the re-Q~!
