
Friday, August 30, 2013

Would you rather, a(nother) running style survey

I'm on a roll lately with running-related questionnaires.  Here's another one that looked fun.  I found it originally on this post on Renee's blog.  And it sounds like she found it on this blog

As always, feel free to share your own answers, I'd really enjoy reading them.


#1. Would you rather bike 100 miles or run 100 miles?

I would rather run, especially if I could do it over the course of two weeks or so.  I was really into biking in high school but as a runner, I've developed a bit of dislike for bikers (I know it's a very small percentage that are rude, dangerous, whatever, but they give them all a bad name in my book).  However, if Berlin goes well, I am thinking about looking into getting a bike.

#2. Wear TOO many clothes and then have to carry them because it’s too hot or wear TOO little clothes and endure a little coldness?

I'd rather wear too little than carry my clothes. I don't really like being cold, but I really don't like having to carry things.  There have been very few occasions where I've ditched clothing mid-run with the intent of retrieving it (and that's because I couldn't stand carrying it but was way too warm).  Once, up north, I wore too many layers because it was in the 20s and I didn't know how to dress for that.  I took off one layer of long sleeves when I was warmed up and picked it back up on my way back to my folks' place.  And a couple times this summer I've started out in a shirt, done my warm-up, then taken it off to run hills and then carried it on my cool-down.  Right now I can't imagine being cold when I run.  Utterly inconceivable when it's August and you're in Dallas.  Cold?  What's that?  I don't remember any such thing.

#3. Would you rather run without your GPS or without your Music?

This one is easy -- without music.  I almost never run with music, it's just too dangerous.  I've only worn a GPS watch since about Jan. 2011, and I love the data (before that, I used a regular sports watch). 

#4. Would you rather run socially or run competitively?

This question is almost impossible.  I love both!  Train socially, race competitively!!!  But the whole point of the question is to choose one.  I like training socially far more than racing competitively.  That just hurts!

#5. Would you rather start a race in the front or in the back?

The front.  I'm never one to toe the line at the start because I'm not that fast, but I like to be within a few rows of the front in the average local race because I hate weaving around people, and at least this year, I usually finish with some kind of age group award in a smaller race, so I feel like I belong toward the front.  Finally.  Until the last couple years, I'd usually start in the middle or toward the back, but as my PRs have gotten better, I've cared more about cutting out needless weaving. 

#6. Would you rather run a race to raise money for a charity or in remembrance of someone?

I'd rather run in remembrance. I hate asking people for money (and I hate selling stuff).

#7. Would you rather have an awful race experience and PR or have the time of your life and NOT PR?

Hands down the awful experience and a PR.  In fact, since I've run long enough that I have fairly solid PRs at most distances, it's very hard to imagine a horrible race experience that would result in a PR.  I mean, I felt like I was dying but I held the pace?  I puked but it barely slowed me down?  Oh wait.  I just realized EXACTLY how this could happen.  The timeless question of whether you would $hit yourself for a PR.  My answer is a definitive and resounding NO -- unless it was a marathon PR of more than 30 minutes.  So I would rather have an awful experience and PR, unless it involved crapping all over myself during the race, then I would choose the time of my life and not a PR (unless it was a 30+ minute marathon PR). 

#8. Would you rather run on the right side of the road during a race or the left?

Usually in a race, particularly on roads, I like to run in the middle so there is as slight a slope as possible.  But if I had to choose, the left.  Those safety habits are deeply ingrained that it's my preference, even on a closed race course.

#9. Would you rather shower and take a nap after a long run/race or shower and be productive?

Take a shower and nap.  I'm so glad my husband usually works on my long run days.  I love my routine of going for breakfast with friends, showering, and then falling asleep to a Lifetime movie or Law & Order marathon, waking up just in time to put laundry in the dryer and cook dinner.  I wonder if anyone who responds to this survey really says they'd rather be productive.  Maybe I just run with a lazy bunch, but most my friends either nap or want to nap after our long runs. 

#10. Run with your significant other or your friends?

Run with my friends.  I only run with my husband a couple times per month since our paces don't line up.  I also tend to get too "coachy" with him.  But even if our paces were exactly aligned, I think I'd still choose my friends -- it's my chance to b!tch about hubby!  If we're having an issue, sometimes talking through it with my friends helps, and occasionally they even take his side, so I know I'm in the wrong.  Plus, if I didn't have my running friends, then it would be like I didn't really have any friends -- I already spend tons of time talking with hubby even if we don't run together, and the only other people I spend hours and hours talking to every week are my running buddies. 


  1. #1. Would you rather bike 100 miles or run 100 miles? Run, I hear your butt chafes when you ride a bike that long. ha!

    #2. Wear TOO many clothes and then have to carry them because it’s too hot or wear TOO little clothes and endure a little coldness?
    Im southern and girlfriend is not use to being cold I rather carry them!

    #3. Would you rather run without your GPS or without your Music? I would love a gps! Since I don't have one Ill choose to run with music.

    #4. Would you rather run socially or run competitively? A never ending battle in my head. I think after this next marathon Im going to drop down to 5/10k/halfs and focus on speed.

    #5. Would you rather start a race in the front or in the back? The front because there is always a wall of girls in tutus running a race arm in arm and they drive me in insane!

    #7. Would you rather have an awful race experience and PR or have the time of your life and NOT PR? Every race in an awesome experience without a pr. It would be neat to switch it up if the pr was exceptional!

    #9. Would you rather shower and take a nap after a long run/race or shower and be productive? I would like to shower and be productive but I typically conk out early when I try (:

    #10. Run with your significant other or your friends? True story I read that couples that run together have better sex. Something to ponder. But my husband is not a runner. When he comes out with me his nick name is miserable mike, poor guy. So because I <3 him I prefer not torture him and its better if I run with friends.


  2. Yay for running surveys! I agree with you on pretty much all of them! Who is productive after a long run? I can be productive is the run is in the low teens or less, but I'm usually done for the day at 15 miles or more. Just my luck, I've got a 20-mile run this weekend and we're moving the same day! That should be interesting!!
