
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Worst of Both Worlds

So yesterday morning on my commute I think it got as bad as it can get -- it was sunny and raining at the same time.  Ugh.

And I was utterly unprepared for the latter.  Double ugh.

I have been newly wearing sunglasses (only about two weeks now?) when commuting.  It's just getting so frigging sunny and warm in the evenings, I thought it might help.

And my commute in the morning is northeast (mostly north), and I run on the correct side of the street (left), meaning the eastward run is directly into the sun and the northward run has little shade (of course the wrong side of the street seems to have plenty). 

 And my commute in the evening is southwest (mostly south), and I run on the correct side of the street (left), meaning the westward run is directly into the sun and the southward run has little shade (of course the wrong side of the street seems to have plenty). 

So anyway, I thought sunglasses would help.  If I'd anticipated rain, I would have skipped the sunglasses and instead worn a cap to keep most of the rain off my face, I would have put my cell phone in a ziplock inside of the ifitness belt, and I'd have worn shoes I don't mind getting wet. 

But instead, I wore sunglasses, new-ish shoes, no hat, and phone (face out) in the belt.  After about a mile, I noticed that the sky to my left seemed very dark. 

I got hit with a couple random drops of rain and I actually looked at them -- I seriously thought they each could be bird $hit since there was no way it would actually rain.

But by 1.5 miles, sure enough, it was coming down -- but it was still sunny!  So frustrating.  I've been lucky to dodge the rain almost every single commute (and I think I'm at about 60 commutes total now).  Dallas isn't a rainy place, so that's not too crazy, but there have still been several mornings where I've felt lucky to dodge it. 

So yesterday I did it -- I ran in the rain and in the sun.  Thankfully no lightning, but still a P-I-T-A.  And of course that meant my clothes didn't really dry off before I had to run home.

Oh well, just felt like bitching. 

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