
Monday, May 6, 2013

FMM: A Little About Me

My weekend was good.  The highlight was probably a 5k race on Saturday morning.  I did a short review of it here.  Short version is that I did not PR, and I only ran about 3 seconds faster than last weekend's 5k (so I'm still about 30 seconds off where I should be).  But this race, my pacing was different.  I held a PR pace for 2 miles, which was 1 flat mile, and then 1 hilly mile.  But then I slowed a lot (about 30 seconds) for the 3rd mile, and was back to PR pace for the last .1.  I possibly did well enough for an AG award, but we don't know that quite yet (results screwed up)!  Either way, I was happy enough.  At least matching last weekend's time means that's a solid indication of where I am right now. 

The rest of the weekend consisted of stuff that needed to be done.  Writing some long overdue thank you notes, doing some dinner party planning for this month (possibly a party for everyone going to Germany with us for the marathon, and possibly that would be the same weekend as I host book club), balancing my checkbook, sending some lengthy emails, working on homeowner's association stuff, cleaning up email accounts, generally getting organized.  All good. 

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

A Little About Me
1. Have you ever experienced love at first sight?  No, I don't think I believe in love at first sight.  Lust or attraction, yes, and lust or attraction that can develop into love, yes, but not actual love at first sight.  When I first saw my husband, we were in a class together.  I thought he was cute, and I realized right away that he spoke Italian well and was funny and seemed very friendly and outgoing and talkative, all things I'd come to love, but at first, he was just a hottie...

2. What channel is your TV on most? Hmm, if I'm watching, probably Lifetime or USA (only if there's a Law & Order marathon).  If my husband is watching, CNN or RAI (Italian news) or EuroNews.  But mostly we just watch stuff from the DVR. 

3. Share one quality that you’re proud to have. I’m proud to be reliable.  If I commit to doing something with someone, I won't flake out unless I'm on my death bed. 

4. Describe your idea of a great evening.  Having friends over to our house for dinner -- the dream is that they show up and we're sitting on the couch drinking wine and listening to music, appetizers are all set out and ready, dinner is in the oven, dessert is done, dishwasher is empty, kitchen is clean, table is beautifully set, house is clean -- it never seems to work out that way, but having friends in our home for a meal is a great night to me. 

5. If your friends were asked to describe you in three words, which words would they choose?  Funny, moving/going/busy, reliable. 

6. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas!  Followed by Mardi Gras, the Fourth, and Thanksgiving. 

7. If you could change one thing that would make your life easier instantly, what would it be? I would have a live-in housekeeper -- who also cooks and undertakes organizational projects and does things like sell stuff we don't need on ebay. 

8. What is one healthy food that you crave?  Grapes, I eat them almost daily almost all year, sometimes an expensive habit. 

9. Do you wear socks when you sleep? No.

10. Share at least three things for which you are thankful.  (1) My family (husband, brothers, parents, sisters-in-law) and I (even my grandpa who is still in a rehab hospital after his stroke) are healthy and all are happy -- all happily married first go around, no sicknesses or diseases, all working out a lot (sometimes together), all financially sound, all happy in general I think.  (2) My husband and I have jobs we love that provide the standard of living (and travel!) that we love.  (3) My friends, near and far, are dear to me; they keep me accountable, they listen to me, they make me laugh, and they seem to love me almost as much as I love them. 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments. Happy Monday!


  1. #3 - I'm extremely reliable as well. I have to constantly remind myself that not everyone shares this quality.

    #7 - My friend and I always talk about things we would do if we were "Oprah" rich. We both agree that we would have a personal kitchen keeper who would stock and refresh a vegetable/salad buffet throughout the day. I love the idea of having someone in charge of organizing and selling things on eBay.

    #10 - You are a lucky woman indeed!

  2. haha I LOVE number 7. I could use one of those too!

  3. A live-in housekeeper would be amazing! And I love your ideal evening with your friends.

    Not sure why this I'm showing up as anonymous. This is KMB from Stopping by from FMM.

  4. Oops. Looks like it's all fixed now. Ah, Mondays.
