
Monday, March 25, 2013

FMM: Ten Questions

Another weekend in the books.  This one was a bit of a bummer.  I had a big race over the weekend and a lot of my speed work for the next 4 weeks was to be based on how that race went.  And it was disappointing.  I struggled mentally and my pace wasn't what I wanted.  But in reality, it was mixed -- I managed to win my age group, and I got a PR.  But in the end, I still look at it as disappointing.  Oh well, it just means I have more work to do. 

Other than that, the weekend was pretty quiet.  Laundry, packing lunches for the week, packing clothes for the week, some napping, some sudoku.  Oh, and I managed to give about 1,000 "high fives" while volunteering during another big local race: 

I love watching and cheering for races.  If I'm not running, I'd much rather be cheering than just going about my life.  It was just fun to see the mix of people, some working hard, some just running (or walking) easily and seeming to enjoy every step. 
So now another week... I think it's going to be busy at work again and I need to find time to shop to get some fun stuff for our godchildren for Easter. 
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Ten Questions
1. Describe the kind of home you would live in if money were no object.   Hmm... I really love where we live now (I suppose it helps that I bought it when I worked at a big firm and wasn't overly concerned about money).  We live in a three-story condo that's just right for us.  But if money were no object, we would have other homes in several places -- in Wisconsin (near my family), in Italy (near hubby's family), and maybe somewhere like Colorado or Hawaii. 

2. Are you more conservative in your actions or more rebellious? Probably pretty conservative.  My life is pretty ordinary.  I am certainly argumentative and I guess somewhat rebellious when speaking, but my daily life is not very rebellious.  Typical lawyer...

3. Would you go to Mars even if it meant you could never return to Earth?   Funny question since my husband asks all the time if we would go if given the chance.  Maybe is always my answer.  If he's there, I think I could be very happy creating our own adventure, but of course, I'd miss everyone we left behind, and I'd be quite content if we never had to option to leave this lovely planet. 

4. Name one song that makes you want to dance every time you hear it. Can I copy Kenlie's answer?  Gangnam Style would be mine too.  It was fine and fun before we went to China, but when we got there and it was just breaking -- it took it to a whole new level.  We went to a Walmart in Chongqing and there was a huge crowd of people around one of the huge tvs that had the video on a streaming loop, and they all just stood there watching.  For some reason my husband decided to do a small part of the dance when we were on a bridge going to visit a pagoda that had been specially preserved when they raised the level of the Yangtze and our guide loved it -- sparked a whole new level of connection and hilarity.  I love that kind of a cross-cultural connection. 

5. Share one thing that you wish you could go back and do differently in your life.  I would have learned at a younger age to be my own person and to think about how my actions and words could hurt others.  I'd also have tried to get to some more obscure countries earlier.  I started traveling in earnest in my early 20s (and that was really just Western Europe, I didn't make it to Africa until 2000, Asia until 2001, and South America until 2002) and I wish I'd branched out more quickly. 

6. Share at least one accomplishment that people wouldn’t expect you to be proud of.   I placed first in my age group at a race this past weekend despite a fairly poor performance?  I'm going to have to give this one some more thought.  Most of my accomplishments that I am proud of are things people would expect me to be proud of. 

7. Describe one delicious thing that you’ve eaten lately.  Ooh, yesterday morning after our run, I went to breakfast with some of my running buddies before going to high five at the race.  I had two tacos called "Fried Avocado" consisting of "hand-battered fresh avocados fried and served with vegetarian refried beans, topped with pico, lettuce and cheese, served with poblano sauce."  Sooooo good!  I've been on quite a taco kick lately, and this was a fun new one to eat.  Torchy's Taco, if you're in Dallas. 

8. If you had a theme song that would play every time you entered a room, which song would you choose?  Haha, hubby's song would be "I'm Sexy and I Know It."  I'm going to have to keep thinking about mine, but for now, I'd go with "Amazing" by Aerosmith.

9. Had technology enhanced your life, or has it over complicated your life?  Probably some of each.  Obviously it creates some headaches and I think on some level diminishes personal relationships, but overall, I think it has enhanced my life.  First, I love my job and I don't know that I could do it without technology since I manage litigation all over the country, not just locally.  Second, I have the ability to work remotely, which I currently do once a week on average, but I also do it for several days sometimes when we're out of town, allowing us to travel and enjoy being away from home, though I still work during the day. 

10. If you could get paid to do any job, which job would you choose?  Tough question.  About a decade ago for laughs, my best friend and I were taking a "green card" test (to see if you were really married) to see how well we knew each other.  Some things we couldn't answer (about falling in love, kissing, sleeping, etc.), but most things were things you know about your best friend.  One of the questions was, if money were not a factor, what would your spouse do for work.  And I was able to easily answer that question for her -- she would have loved to be a therapist or counselor (far more than being a lawyer), but of course, I had to answer for myself and I struggled.  I think I eventually said I'd be a professional jigsaw puzzler.  When we read our answers back to each other, she had said that one was easy to answer for me -- she said I'd be a travel writer.  And I think she's right!  That would be fun, especially if I was guaranteed to get paid and I could do it the way I wanted. 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments. Happy Monday, friends!


  1. I write for a living so I guess that's why I'm not asnwering Author to the last question. But I like your answer. I think I'd like to be a travel writer. As a travel writer, one could write about experiences, cuisine, culture and more. That just might be my next chapter.

  2. You've done a lot of traveling! I feel the same, though, that I wish I would have done more earlier in life. I finally went to Europe for the first time last year!

  3. I used to want to be a travel writer. I read Lonely Planet guides for fun and imagined traveling to so many exotic places. I'm not sure what my dream job is anymore.

    My son recently caught wind of Gangnam Style when it was played over and over at a hockey game. The next day he asked me what sexy meant. That was a tough one to answer!

    I so admire your dedication to your running goals. Congratulations on your PR and placing first in your age group! I love that despite your disappointed feelings about your run you still got out there to cheer others on. As much as I love running in races there is something very exciting about spectating races as well.

  4. I think you are amazing, Carina. You won your age group and set a PR? WOW.

    I know you are disappointed in the race you ran, but I just wanted to drop by with some admiration.

    Dropping by from Friend Making Monday.

  5. Fried avacado. That does sound delicious.

  6. You're the first person who has said travel writer. I think it'd be cool to be a travel writer or even one of those people who gets to travel for TV shows. Although, I guess a camerman following you around would detract from atmosphere. Hmmm...

    Stopping by for a belated FMM! Come check out my answers :)

  7. we have Torchy's down here in Austin too and the fried avocado is my favorite taco!
