
Friday, March 15, 2013

Favorite Weekend Ahead

I've always loved St. Patrick's Day weekend in Dallas.  There's an awesome 5k race, followed by a parade, usually followed by a street party and usually including a day-long buzz (ideally).

I actually put this weekend in 2009 as one of the best days of my life -- it was the race in the morning, where I had a PR at the time and was thereafter asked to join a local racing team, then it was my bridal shower in the afternoon, then it was my bachelorette party that night. 

While I don't expect this weekend's festivities to top 2009's, it should be awesome.

My brother and his wife (pictured below I hope) are coming to visit, they land around lunch time today.  We've got plans for lunch, then a low-key afternoon while I finish up work, then we're going out for pizza, followed by a bar, then either out dancing or to the art museum. 

Saturday is going to be the same as always, but likely even more fun since they will be with us.  5k race in the morning.  The plan for that is mile 1 with my bro fairly fast (but about 30 seconds slower than a PR pace), then he will probably pick it up and I'll aim to hold steady.  But the key part is that as soon as I finish, I'm taking off my chip and going back out to find my accounting buddy and walk it in with her.  Since I plan to start up front and she's going to start near the back, I'm guessing I'll meet her around the halfway point. 

Oh, and I'm also planning to decorate her cubicle on Monday, assuming it goes well as I know it will.  I figured I'd bring in some balloons and write things on them like "5k-er" and "first race" and "superstar" and then put up a couple pieces of posterboard outside her cube saying "ask me how my race went" or "congratulate me".  Good idea?  Or too much?  I'm just so excited for her.

Anyway, after the race, we'll watch the parade, then probably come home to shower and change (which we have not done before, but this year we're skipping one of the two usual house parties).  Then we're going to a running friend's house party, which is right near the street party.  From there, no plans.  If we want to come back to our side of the highway, we can go out for dinner and drinks, or we can stay at the street party and eat and drink there. 

Sunday is a fartlek run in the park (but hubby is working, so it will just be the three of us), followed by brunch with a bunch of my running friends.  Then nothing else planned that day except to go to my favorite taco place for lunch, and then they leave around 6 at night.

So excited for the weekend ahead, now I just have to get through a day of work first.  I actually skipped boot camp this morning so that I can be done with breakfast by about 5:45 and officially on the clock by 6 a.m., which will hopefully mean I'm done by the early afternoon! 

1 comment:

  1. I really love what you're doing for your co-worker. She is really lucky to have you cheering her on. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead. I'm running a big St. Patrick's 10K race in my area. It's a popular race for locals preparing for Boston because of the hills. The spectators are wild. It's a lot of fun and I do it despite the fact that I'm working all weekend. Have a great time!!
