
Sunday, December 30, 2012

#Reverb12 Day 25: Vulnerable

For the month of December, I'm working on doing the daily series of Reverb prompts to help me reflect on the prior year and hope/plan for the upcoming year. If you're interested, join in; I found this to be a very useful exercise when I did it two years ago.

#reverb12 Day 25: How will you be vulnerable? And Joyeux Noël!

Next year, how will you tend to your vulnerabilities? How will you build them a shelter from the storm? How will you put them through physical therapy? How will you find a way to make them work to your advantage?

This one is tough -- I can't think of any particular ways I want to protect some vulnerability that isn't already protected. 

When I think about goals, I mostly think about fitness, since that's where I'm focusing most of my energy.  And as to any fitness vulnerabilities, I want to do anything but shelter them.  For example, I completely suck at push-ups.  They hurt my wrists and my form is poor -- but I need to work at trying more so that I can improve.  And same with every other exercise I hate or suck at doing.  Tuck jumps, jump squats, those make me nervous for my knees, but particularly now when my mileage is lower, I need to do them and get the benefit. 

Other vulnerabilities ... I of course worry about my husband leaving me for someone hotter or less bitchy, but all I can do is try to be sweet to him and remind myself that there's no reason to worry. 

Of course I worry about someone close to me dying, and I suppose the best way to shelter that vulnerability is to be stronger in my communication, calling my family more often (this is hard, I used to alternate who I called on my short drive home from work, but now that I can't talk on the phone while I commute, I need to fit in some other time), reaching out, telling them how I feel, etc. 

Financially of course I'd worry about losing my job, we're not ready for that.  But all I can do is work hard and attempt to continue smart money management -- paying off the house, increasing savings, you know, the usual. 

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