
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weekend Plans

Thursday isn't too early to be thinking about the weekend, is it? 

One of my two absolute all-time favorite local 5k races is this weekend, Oktoberfest.  It's where I unexpectedly set my current 5k PR a couple years ago. 

The course is not particularly easy, but it's in the city where my husband works, and I imagine he and several of his co-workers will be out on the course and will cheer for me. 

One awesome thing about the race is that it's run by the store where I do my running training, and although it draws A LOT of walkers and very slow joggers, it's fairly easy to line up right by the front.  Most years, even 2-3 rows back from the start line, you still end up with a bunch of kids in front of you that you have to weave around for the first minute or two, but then the crowd thins (except of course those fast runners in front of me).  And even with a fairly mediocre time, if I put some effort into it, I can usually end up toward the top of my age group. 

After the race, lots of food (mostly soft pretzels, yum) and beer.  People hang out for a while, and then, when you come back that night, you get free admission to Oktoberfest with your race bib. 

Last year was a little crazy since I went in costume.  This one to be exact:

Haha, it's funny to read about how uncomfortable I was last year when I wore it!  But of course I look absolutely nothing like the picture when I wore it. 

Not sure if I'll wear it again, but my plan for Saturday is to run the 5k in the morning (no PR this year, but hopefully still a solid and speedy run), enjoy the post race festivities, run a few errands, study Chinese, volunteer for a couple hours, and then go to Oktoberfest that night.  Only 15 miles for the long run on Sunday, followed by a day o' projects and organizing I hope. 

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