
Monday, July 16, 2012

FMM: Finish the Sentence

When I posted about my double run yesterday, I left out one detail that I hoped was irrelevant.  But I woke up this morning and it was not irrelevant.  Unfortunately, I can't say I survived the double run unscathed.  For the third time this year, during my second run of the day yesterday, I fell.  Ugh.  I seriously have been running for about a decade and up until this year, I had fallen exactly twice and neither time was my fault (once the person behind me tripped and fell into me, knocking me down, very minor, and once, the person behind me stepped on my heel and my shoe fell off and I stumbled, also very minor).  But this year, I'm just off-kilter.  Anyway, I was hoping it was no big deal, but I woke up today in pain.  My shoulder took the brunt of the fall -- and since I was wearing a singlet, there is a lot of road rash and I think it is going to bruise like crazy.  But I got right back up and kept running.  A friend was a couple steps behind me and so that helped.  And several people around me asked if I was okay. 

Now it’s time for FMM. If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Finish the Sentence

I like… my job, which is much better than liking the paycheck, or liking the hours, I like it all.

I don’t like… being tired or cold. 

I am ... an attorney.

I love… my family and friends and I try hard not to use the word "love" to describe how I feel about products or things or even experiences.

I dream of… moving to Italy with my husband after he retires and being allowed to continue at my current job working remotely and having a colleague cover hearings, trials, settlement conferences and mediations in my place. 

I wonder… what I will spend my time doing at work today -- days seem to rarely go as planned. 

I know… who I am going to vote for in the fall. 

I went… to yoga twice this weekend but couldn't go a third time because I was sore from my fall. 

I have… to remember to do a couple personal things at work today (set up my auto-fill prescription by mail, print Pinterest recipes that I'm going to make this weekend for book club, and pay for a new session of boot camp).

I think… my finger that had a bunch of torn ligaments from when I fell in March is finally, finally, finally starting to get better. 

I plan… to spend most of the month of October in China!

I regret… participating in being very mean to someone in junior high.

I do… want to see a lot of the world before I die. 

I drink… water more than anything else, and I drink tons of water in the summer -- like over 300 oz. many days; totally abnormal but my doctor's read on all the tests is that there's nothing wrong with me... hmmm...

I wish… I could plow through a vast majority of my personal and work to-do lists in a single day, not really possible, but I can dream.

I am… hosting about a dozen women at our house for dinner on this coming Sunday night.

I am not… sure how I will have everything ready for dinner that night, I need to be very productive this week, cleaning, prepping food in advance, setting the table, etc. 

I need… to be more disciplined about studying Chinese every day, rather than just on the weekends. 

I hope… I can hit my marathon goal time at the Berlin Marathon in 2013 -- and then I will hopefully not try to PR again, I'll just run them for fun. 

I want… to have a staycation.  Although of course I guess I could, it would just mean not using my vacation time to go to China, but clearly I'd rather do that.  But having an extra week to just stay home would be nice. 

I sometimes… think I'd like to train for and be an Ironman.  Even though I hate to swim and I don't really bike.  The more I hear about it, the more intriguing and challenging it sounds.

I always… check my pulse after I sneeze.  Habit since college when my roommie and I heard that your heart skips a beat when you sneeze.  We always check to make sure it restarts. 

I can… take a step to make today more productive by hurrying through my routine and getting out the door a bit earlier.

I cannot… remember what I wore to work two weeks ago Tuesday.  Not that it matters, but I have no idea. 

I will… have to rebandage my knee and shoulder after I shower in about half an hour.

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to go back to and link up in the comments. Happy Monday, Friends!


  1. Ugh - sorry you fell again! I have to admit, falling is my biggest fear on the bike, and the only time I've fallen outside is when I violated my "no running outside in the winter" rule, and slipped on ice.

    Hope your shoulder is OK!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the fall; I hope your cuts & bruises heal quickly.

    It sounds like you've got a busy week ahead, but your book club party will be fun. Is there a theme? What book did you guys read?

    1. No theme, we read "Orange is the New Black." As soon as I finish the book I'm almost done with, I'm going to do a comprehensive 2012 books post and I'm including this one in it. You inspired me to find a way to track what I read (I meant to check out Good Reads (I think that's the name), but figured a written list worked as well for me).

  3. Oooh, a month in China sounds fun!

  4. The fall sounds bad, hope it will turn out right.

    If I am in Berlin next year for the marathon, I'll come by and cheer you on.

    Just curious - what would you do if your heart didn't restart after you sneeze?

    1. My old roommate and I had discussed that at length. Not sure if there would be time to tell someone to call 911, to start CPR, to get aspirin or even to say "I love you," so i guess i mostly check so I'd have that extra second to know i was dying... haha.

  5. I'm so glad your finger is finally starting to feel better but so sorry that you have a new, more recent fall to recover from now :(
