
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I've been looking forward to tonight for a few months now. On the schedule is an outdoor concert with one of my best friends in the world.  We're going to see a Bon Jovi tribute band at the local botanical garden, which is on the lake where we run pretty frequently.  We haven't quite nailed down the plan for dinner, but we may pick up sandwiches or something since we can bring in a picnic basket.

And while a Bon Jovi tribute band concert with my bestie would be fun no matter what, I'm looking at this as my last hurrah of summer. 

I am going back to Bikram yoga tomorrow I believe.  I want to try to do another 30 day challenge, which I should be able to finish right before I leave town to run in the Hood to Coast relay.  But that will mean not so many more fun evening activities, particularly on Mon-Thurs. 

Ah, bring it! 

This morning had 8 miles on the schedule with 4 at marathon pace.  I didn't think I'd be able to do it, and I kept mentally coming up with plans to cut it short or run a little slower, but it was over before I knew it.  It helped that I think it was a bit cooler this morning and significantly less humid than it was on Sunday.  I'm hoping a month of heated yoga will make even the hottest runs feel a bit easier. 


  1. that sounds awesome, so glad you had fun! drag the bestie to the yoga too! i have never taken formal yoga a friend introduced me and i have dvds that i adore. i heard about the hot yoga but was concerned i overheat QUICKLY my normal body temp is 96.....weird i know LOLOL i bet you're gonna rock the challenge. only discovered you but from reading your past blogs you are a "MONSTER" (in a GOOD way!) when you decide to do something!

    1. My bestie is happy to do "mildly heated" yoga with me (85), but she hates Bikram. She's come with me twice and just doesn't want to go again.

      Anyway, my husb also has a lower body temp (he heard somewhere it's called Wilson's temperature syndrome) and he really didn't like Bikram either -- you may have the same issue given the temps. But never hurts to try it once!

  2. Nice run! I wish I had energy; I slept less than 4 hours last night and still have to work later today so I'm trashed right now.

    Enjoy your yoga, I know it does wonders for me when I get there more than once a month!
