
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Work Stress

I've posted multiple times I think in the last year or so about how much I enjoy my job and the balance I have now between my job and the rest of my life.  After about a decade of working as an attorney without that balance, I appreciate it even more now.  But last week something very stressful happened at work that I can't really talk about as it's not yet public.

But for anyone who has seen Office Space, I basically have to talk to "the Bobs" this week. 

Almost like interviewing for my own job.  Ugh.  I'm not overly concerned about anything, I feel like I do my job well, but change is change and there is a lot of uncertainty for everyone right now.  Stresssss...

The good news is that I'm going to yoga after work tonight, which is likely exactly what I need. 

Anyway, can't write more both so I don't say too much and so I can show my face bright and early at work to make a good impression...


  1. I'm sorry that things are stressful at work, but I'm so glad that you're feeling confident and that you're going to yoga after work to relieve some stress.

  2. I know you can weather this stress, especially with yoga and running to keep your head in the game. Hang in there. I really hope work gets less stressful soon!

  3. So sorry you're going through work stress - it's never fun! Good luck betting through meeting "the Bobs" (LOVE that reference !!)
