
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Food Coma

So my night of conflicting plans on Tuesday went as well as could be expected. My dinner with work team was a lot of fun, strengthened connections, and included tons of great food and drink. Unfortunately it lasted much longer than I'd expected. I knew a late night was in store when we hadn't even ordered entrees by 8:00. I finally left the restaurant around 10:30, so of course hubby and baby brother were long since done with dinner. I called my brother and found out hubby had gone to bed and my bro and his coworker were at the bar on our block, so I went out to meet them.

That of course meant a very late night for me (considering I usually go to bed shamefully early b/c I get up so early). So no boot camp yesterday morning!

I spent the whole day feeling fairly bloated, full and hung-over. Going to yoga last night was definitely a good plan, and I went back this morning for my final class of the month of yoga. I'll have to do a full post later.

Anyway, thought I'd share a couple pics of first, my veggie plate (au gratin potatoes, grilled jumbo asparagus, mac and cheese, and mushrooms), and then of my way too big dessert (cheesecake, planning to eat the rest of it this afternoon!).

Yum. This is why the period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's pretty much destroys my plans to eat healthily... Oh, but it's so much fun! And the extra hours of exercise are 100% worth it, since even exercise seems to have a holiday feel -- one of the post-yoga evening events I'm looking forward to the most is an annual run with some running buddies to check out the pretty lights on the houses!

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