
Monday, October 10, 2011

FMM: Taboo Topics

It's Monday and since I had a chance to post about my run on time yesterday, I'm going to do another Friend Making Monday.

Now it’s time for FMM! If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: 8 Taboo Topics

How often do you read/watch the news? Way too rarely.  I got frustrated many years ago feeling like the political establishment was controlling too much of what was reported, and I've been less interested ever since.  I watch the local news for a few minutes most mornings, and then the today show (though I hate the new host), while I read blogs and get ready for work in the morning.  In the evenings if we're home, we record BBC news and will watch that sometimes, or we'll watch the Italian equivalent to CNN, RAI international, or occasionally Euro News if we want something in English and have already watched the recorded BBC broadcast.  I rarely read the news. 

What is your opinion on beauty pageants? Aren't they called scholarship contests?  Haha.  I've watched Toddlers & Tiaras a few times.  Sad as it is, society seems to be very superficial, so it makes sense that there would be beauty pageants.  But of course I've never been in one or really known anyone who competed, so I guess it's hard to say.  It seems very fake, but that's not much different than flipping through a magazine or something. 

Would you date/marry someone who has different religious views than you? Probably not.  Initially, before I was married, I think I would have said yes, but the more time I spend in this relationship, the more I realize it's very important to me to be on the same basic page.  I think a different denomination isn't a big deal (actually, hubby is Catholic and I'm Episcopalian, so I know the diff denomination doesn't bother me), but I think it would be hard for me to be with someone who really was an Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.  Though I sometimes wonder if I could be a Buddhist.  I don't know enough about it, but I know my views about the needless killing and eating of animals could make me more open to that.  But bottom line is if I'd dated and really fallen in love with someone who was a completely different religion, I don't think it would have worked for me unless one of us converted.  Odd, since I don't consider myself a super-religious person and I am very uncomfortable with Jesus talk in most situations.  I grew up thinking religious beliefs were fairly private, fine to discuss with your family, or at church, but not something you really talk about outside those circumstances (though anyone seeing your life should be able to tell). 

Do you follow politics? I follow it, but I lost a lot of interest in 1996 when I was living in Italy and excitedly watched a debate between Clinton and Dole on tv b/c it was not dubbed into Italian.  I had been so passionate about politics until then, and it was like a sea change had occurred while I lived in Italy.  They were having elections there too, and I couldn't help but feel like those elections mattered a lot.  There are really different parties there, from a far right Alleanza Nazionale, to the far left Rifondazione Comunista.  Suddenly I felt like it didn't really matter if Clinton or Dole won, not much was really going to change in the US.  In some ways I guess that's a good thing, the whole stability and balance of power thing, but it made me care a lot less.  I still hate political arguments and I hide or unfriend people who strike me as narrow-minded and opinionated on facebook. 

How often do you talk about sex in your daily life and/or on your blog?  Pretty often in my daily life, but that's more in the context of work -- rape or sexual harassment.  And it seems to come up with running friends fairly often, and of course with my husband you know, at night.  But I don't think I've ever talked about it on the blog, and it's not something I discuss with friends too often, at least not in a serious context. 

Does it make you uncomfortable when someone asks you about your salary/income? Does it ever happen? Oh my yes!  I hate it!  And my husband isn't even mildly offended and I think brings it up and discusses it way too casually with people.  It drives me crazy and is something I wish he wouldn't do, but we just grew up differently.  In my family, it wasn't until I was doing college applications that I actually found out our family income, and even then, my mom told me it was not something I was supposed to ever discuss outside "the family."   I pretty much hate talking about money. 

Do you tag friends and family in pictures that you post on FB, or do you seek permission first?  If it's a flattering picture, I tag friends, unless it shows alcohol or swimwear.  I don't think I've ever asked permission -- if it's not flattering and I post it for some reason, I don't tag it.  And if there's alcohol or swimwear, I just won't tag it.  Even though most my friends are well into their 30s, just don't want it to look unprofessional for anyone. 

Can you be friends with people who have opposing views on ‘taboo’ topics? Yes, definitely.  I can always untag myself in pictures, change the subject, etc.  Even if I found out one of my friends was a former Ms. Texas or something, I don't think it would really matter.  But I also don't find that many of my closest friends have diametrically opposed political views, and I don't have any good friends who are a different religion completely (different denominations, but not tons of diversity here, though I would guess I know a few Atheists, and I know some really preachy Jesus people).  I do have lots of friends who are news junkies though -- including my husband -- he's the reason we record BBC and watch RAI news. 

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to link up in the comments of the blog!


  1. Stopping in from FMM. I totally forgot about Toddler & Tiaras for my answer. I was thinking of like Miss America and stuff. T&T is awful!

  2. Hey! Just dropping in for FMM! Good answers; I agree with you about many of my closest friends aren't really different when it comes to politics/religion.

    "scholarship contests" -- I love that!

  3. Stopping by from FMM... I agree that we tend to befriend people who are like us. Makes things much easier.

  4. You lived in Italy?! My dream!! Love your answers..and your blog. So glad I found you :)

  5. Stopping by from FMM! Great answers, I think we had a few similarities!

  6. I so agree with you on the salary question - my hubby will discuss it too, no problem, but it makes me uncomfortable (subconscious guilt maybe? I make a good living).

    We are trying to be more open with our kids about money - teaching them to save, and budet, etc. I will say, I wish my parents had taught me more when I was gorwing up!

  7. Stopping by from FMM. I find that I, too, seem to have surrounded myself with people that are at least similar in their views. It wasn't intentional... I think it just happens...

  8. I think she pick a really great topic this week because so far I have truly enjoyed reading the answers...yours got me thinking a lot too.
    Stopping by from FMM

  9. It's so interesting to me that you get your news from European sources - that's a great way to keep up with what the world thinks of us.

    Your answers to the other questions were really interesting, and very similar to mine in a lot of ways.
