
Friday, July 15, 2011

Ah, Michigan!

I love being on vacation!  I mean, I definitely love my job and our life in Dallas, but it's just so much fun to get out of dodge sometimes.  The weather here is glorious.  I don't worry my intestines are baking inside of me if I'm outside for 10 minutes in the afternoon.  We're hanging out with our neighbors mostly so far (staying with them at their house here in Michigan), and in a few hours, heading to the hotel to meet up with my family.

My best explanation of how nice it is to be here:  I woke up yesterday (and today actually) with no alarm at about 6:45 Michigan time (5:45 at home, so about 45 mins-1 hour later than I usually get up during the week).  I got dressed to go running and got rough directions from our neighbors. 

But non-runner sometimes aren't good about telling you where to go run.  They suggested I stay in the neighborhood, which was very nice, and would be just right if I only wanted to run for a mile or two.  But since I wanted a minimum of 6, I decided I'd be bored to tears if I just kept running around a suburban kind of subdivision, so I just ran toward a busy street with a sidewalk, ran along that a little, and then, after I'd run for about a mile and a half, happened upon Troy High School.  I decided to see if there was a track, and there was.  And since the weather is so great, I decided to run a few mile repeats.  It was like I just couldn't pass up the opportunity -- I knew I'd be running so much faster here than I do at home -- that's what dropping 20-30 degrees will do for your speed! 

There was one other guy out there running.  I did 3 mile repeats, with a quarter mile recovery after each, and I loved to see my times.  I was definitely getting fatigued, but I managed to stay pretty steady and actually got progressively faster.  The best part was, my heart rate was completely under control.  And when I got back to our neighbors' house, I was still relatively dry.  When I run at home lately, I have to hang my clothing in the bathroom and usually a small pool of liquid drains out of the clothes before they get dry. 

Ah, it's so nice to have cool morning temps.  Anyway, yesterday we went over to Canada.  We had lunch in Windsor's version of Little Italy -- it's called Via Italia, or Erie Street, and has a bunch of Italian restaurants and shops.  We got gaskets for our espresso pots, which I'm sure we could buy online or maybe at some shop in Dallas, but we usually pick up in Italy -- but we'd forgotten this year.  We also went to this island on the US side called Belle Isle, which was fun.  Lots of people loitering and picnicking, but we just kind of drove through and stopped for occasional photos. 

I ran again this morning, considerably slower than yesterday b/c my legs were tired.  It was actually raining when I started out, but it stopped within about 2.5 miles.  I can't even remember the last time it rained in Dallas.  Anyway, got back to the house and we all had a big breakfast.  I'm about to jump in the shower I think, then I'm going to get my nails done.  Bride wants us to do French mani/pedi.  Then we'll have lunch with our neighbors and they'll take us downtown to the hotel where we'll meet up with my folks, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc. 

Yesterday my neighbor sewed my strapless bra into the dress for the wedding and I'm so much happier now.  I don't know why but it was almost like there should have been some elastic around the top of the bust of the dress -- it was not well fitted at all and would sometimes gape away from my body (not to say the dress is loose, it's insanely tight and makes me wish I'd lost at least 5 pounds over the last couple weeks, but it's loose above my chest).  But now with the bra attached, the dress is one million times better.  It's still tight, tight, tight, but I won't have to worry about flashing my bra or anything, which is going to make me so much more comfortable.  I even practiced dancing around in it with my arms up and everything stayed right in place.

I'm so excited for the rehearsal dinner tonight and then all of the festivities tomorrow!! 

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